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Providence, Rhode Island
5 Questions
181 Karma

Onyinye’s Career Goals

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Onyinye May 24, 2016 1189 views

How can someone get C++certified even though he or she is not a computer science major? Will having this advantage help with interview?

I took a c++ programming class and saw the benefits of learning to write codes for certain applications. I have a better understanding of how many technology work and the programs responsible for running them. I wish to apply what I have learned to the forensic field, but I do not wish to go...

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Onyinye May 24, 2016 1027 views

How can I tell my parents that I do not want a career in the medical field?

I am Nigerian and all I have ever heard from my mom is that I should be a BSN or pharmacy. To please her, and to avoid conflict, I enrolled in college for nursing. I was unhappy. It took a while for me to gather my courage and change my major to biology. I did not inform them of the change so...

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Onyinye May 23, 2016 1388 views

Can I use my BS in Biology when I graduate to work as a forensic tech? If so, what hard and soft skills are required?

I want to work while attending graduate school for Crime Scene Investigation. I am currently taking organic chemistry where I will be learning about the GC mass spectrometer. I also have other laboratory skills I have learned in college. #career #biology #career-counseling #forensic #laboratory...

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Onyinye May 23, 2016 1286 views

What are the needed skill set required for forensic science careers?

I am a biology major. I became interested in forensics due to loving many science subjects. I became torn when I looked over careers that dealt with all the different fields of science. It was only when I took criminology that I started to look at the forensics field. I am really looking...

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Onyinye May 23, 2016 1173 views

How do I further develop my public speaking for forensic science careers

I know individuals will be called as expert witness for scientific based evidence. I am not a good public speaker; I tend to ramble or I freeze up. I need help with techniques that will help me remain focused and not be afraid of any audience. This will also help improve my interview skills....