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Purva Gujarathi’s Avatar

Purva Gujarathi

Risk Manager
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Jersey City, New Jersey
8 Answers
16442 Reads
52 Karma

Active Locations

Henry’s Avatar
Henry Jan 31, 2023 2385 views

What are good ways to make connections?

I'm fairly new to networking and was wondering about ways I can connect to people. I'm also wondering if there's a good time to make connections, such as when I'm in school or when I get to college.

karla’s Avatar
karla Jan 27, 2023 654 views

how will careervillage help me decided what i want to do with my life?

how will careervillage help me decided what i want to do with my life

Bassey’s Avatar
Bassey Jan 15, 2023 852 views

How can I build a good career as a software engineer?

With so many programming languages out there, choosing the right one for your domain is vital. This is asked to shed some light on the pros and cons of some of them.

Erica’s Avatar
Erica Jul 27, 2022 2718 views

How do you limit procrastination?

I think this has been an issue tons of people have because procrastination makes us lose some big opportunities. What are some tips that could help out with procrastination and increase my motivation to work?

Chin’s Avatar
Chin Jan 08, 2023 747 views

How to be confident on public speaking ?

How to be confident on public speaking?

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Nov 10, 2022 5917 views

How do I keep up with my hobbies having a full time job?

I really want to continue writing and performing, but I don't know how to carve out time for everything I want to do. Do you use any planners or digital tools to help plan life outside work?

Isabella’s Avatar
Isabella Jan 07, 2023 2075 views

How can I find some career guidance?

I graduated college and I am unemployed but I am having a hard time finding a job, I feel a little disoriented. How can I find some career guidance?