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Robert Epstein’s Avatar

Robert Epstein

General Manager
Management Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Naples, Florida
85 Answers
100213 Reads
251 Karma


Civic Duty

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mika’s Avatar
mika Dec 08, 2023 3815 views

What is the best way to figure out what career would best suit you?

I have had trouble for some time going back and forth between career paths and was wondering how others figured it out

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Nov 26, 2023 470 views

Are there any research internship opportunities in Houston for BioMed?

I am 15 years old, and I am interested in biomedical engineering and research. I'm looking for internship opportunities for research in Houston or Katy area or even online if possible.

Billi’s Avatar
Billi Nov 20, 2023 468 views

What should I do to apply?

What if I would be interested in joining and applying for a science, let's say, astrology. How would I be able to apply to the study of stars or animation, animation.

Henry’s Avatar
Henry Nov 15, 2023 2052 views

How did internships help you in your career?

I'm curious about the role of internships in college. How valuable were they for you, and do you recommend specific types for someone interested in business?

Jarrett’s Avatar
Jarrett Nov 06, 2023 953 views

How would one launch a business focused on specialized industrial areas?

How would an entrepreneur start a business on an industrial scale, specifically for drone services (eg. cinematography, 3d modelling, surveying, etc) how would it get started?

Stella’s Avatar
Stella Nov 03, 2023 1017 views

How do I really know my life long vocation ?

I don't know if I want to be a musician or be in the science fields.

Kat’s Avatar
Kat Oct 12, 2023 505 views

How do you know for certain what job you would like to spend the rest of your life doing?

It feels very complex to decide

Nathaniel’s Avatar
Nathaniel Oct 10, 2023 994 views

What skills should I acquire before applying to electrical engineering in San Jose? ?

I am interested in becoming an engineer and would like to know more.

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Oct 06, 2023 829 views

What questions you, as an interviewer, would like to hear the person you're interviewing ask?

As a current computer engineering student who desires to go into electrical engineering-based jobs, I'm curious about questions that stand out to you positively.

What piques your interest in a candidate? What kinds of questions do they ask that can set them apart from other people applying?

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Oct 02, 2023 1379 views

What are the best ways to find someone to interview?

Hello! I’m a high school junior looking for someone to interview for my engineering class. The only requirements are that they are from an engineering or tech heavy background although personally i’m very interested in science or programming related fields so that would be preferable. I would...

karis’s Avatar
karis Sep 19, 2023 443 views

How were you confidant in what you wanted to do?

How were you confidant in what you wanted to do?

Aaron’s Avatar
Aaron Sep 16, 2023 1089 views

How many years do you need to be able to be a part of management?

I am in the 11 grade and I'm 17 how old would i be to consider management.

Zach’s Avatar
Zach Sep 12, 2023 2369 views

What is the best minor to take with business management in college?

Looking to build my own business and understand how to manage and how it all works.

Owen’s Avatar
Owen Sep 10, 2023 1926 views

What are things I can start doing now as a sophomore in High School to help get into the college I want to for Biomedical Engineering.

I have decided through a lot of experimenting and classes that I want to go into Biomedical Engineering. Colleges I was looking at included Cal Poly SLO, MIT, and Stanford.

Asaundra’s Avatar
Asaundra Aug 31, 2023 3034 views

Day in the life of a Business Manager?

What is a typical day like at a career in a business management?