Sharon Gordon
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Are private colleges worth the cost?
This is part of our professionals series where we ask professionals what they think students should know

Should I go straight to college after I graduate or wait a little bit?
I am senior in high school.

What do I do to find a job in the business field without it being so daunting?
The business field is so broad and I don't how to narrow my searches.

How to deal with being overwhelmed and procrastination in University ?
Hi, I'm a university student, currently taking foundation courses. All my coursework are assignments and essays based. I find that when I think of an assignment that I have to do, I think that the assignment is too difficult and that it will take hours for me to complete it. When I finally get...

What strategies should I use to find a job as a Security Guard?
To find a position as a security guard, what effective strategies should I use?

how to prepare for sat to achieve the best score possible?
this year i'm appearing for sat and in alot of pressure. Need your guidance on how could i prepare for it?

Should I only be looking for colleges with a good department in the specific major I want?
I'm currently decided on majoring in Econ or Finance and so far, I have only been looking into colleges with good Econ. departments. Is this a good strategy when looking for colleges? #college-major #finance #university #economics #college-applications

What is the easiest way to get your foot in the door for business marketing/social media marketing.?
What is the easiest way to get your foot in the door for business marketing/social media marketing?

What do veterinary studies look like in college? How difficult are they, how many years, and what would my career path look like?
I've wanted to be a veterinarian since I was little but got scared of the difficulty in college. I'm still very very curious and interested if I should focus on it again.

What majors should I take as an artist?
I'm not really sure what I should take in college.

After I graduate high school should I go straight to collage?
I don't have collage money saved up so I was thinking of getting a job after collage to raise money.

what job about math that can make a lot of money?
I think I interesting with math and I can do a lot of different things with it, so maybe choose a job that I will do in the future and study more about it is better