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Sharon Gordon’s Avatar

Sharon Gordon

Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Morristown, New Jersey
14 Answers
26792 Reads
21 Karma

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CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Mar 15, 2023 5370 views

Are private colleges worth the cost?

This is part of our professionals series where we ask professionals what they think students should know

ISAIAH’s Avatar
ISAIAH Mar 15, 2023 6155 views

Should I go straight to college after I graduate or wait a little bit?

I am senior in high school.

Milan’s Avatar
Milan Mar 27, 2023 982 views

What do I do to find a job in the business field without it being so daunting?

The business field is so broad and I don't how to narrow my searches.

Shamma’s Avatar
Shamma Mar 28, 2023 901 views

How to deal with being overwhelmed and procrastination in University ?

Hi, I'm a university student, currently taking foundation courses. All my coursework are assignments and essays based. I find that when I think of an assignment that I have to do, I think that the assignment is too difficult and that it will take hours for me to complete it. When I finally get...

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Mar 14, 2023 708 views

What strategies should I use to find a job as a Security Guard?

To find a position as a security guard, what effective strategies should I use?

adhyansh’s Avatar
adhyansh Feb 18, 2023 1991 views

how to prepare for sat to achieve the best score possible?

this year i'm appearing for sat and in alot of pressure. Need your guidance on how could i prepare for it?

Prithvi’s Avatar
Prithvi Mar 06, 2014 1565 views

Should I only be looking for colleges with a good department in the specific major I want?

I'm currently decided on majoring in Econ or Finance and so far, I have only been looking into colleges with good Econ. departments. Is this a good strategy when looking for colleges? #college-major #finance #university #economics #college-applications

phong’s Avatar
phong Mar 13, 2023 969 views

what questions when people analysis the graph?

like i just want to know

Sydney’s Avatar
Sydney Mar 10, 2023 1851 views

What is the easiest way to get your foot in the door for business marketing/social media marketing.?

What is the easiest way to get your foot in the door for business marketing/social media marketing?

Gabriela’s Avatar
Gabriela Mar 13, 2023 726 views

What do veterinary studies look like in college? How difficult are they, how many years, and what would my career path look like?

I've wanted to be a veterinarian since I was little but got scared of the difficulty in college. I'm still very very curious and interested if I should focus on it again.

Lily’s Avatar
Lily Mar 13, 2023 1313 views

What majors should I take as an artist?

I'm not really sure what I should take in college.

Rosselin’s Avatar
Rosselin Mar 13, 2023 2320 views

After I graduate high school should I go straight to collage?

I don't have collage money saved up so I was thinking of getting a job after collage to raise money.

Vincent’s Avatar
Vincent Mar 13, 2023 2239 views

When should I get ready to apply for college?

I'm a junior right now.

Khanh’s Avatar
Khanh Mar 13, 2023 1245 views

what job about math that can make a lot of money?

I think I interesting with math and I can do a lot of different things with it, so maybe choose a job that I will do in the future and study more about it is better