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New York, New York
4 Questions
441 Karma

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Andrea Dec 19, 2024 688 views

Should I accept this administrative volunteer position at a hospital?

I am a freshman in college going pre-med. Should I accept this administrative volunteer position at a hospital? Like handling papers and transporting patients. While it doesn't count as clinical hours, do you still think it is important to have this volunteering position? I need to fulfill 150...

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Andrea Sep 02, 2023 18082 views

Which major should I choose for undergrad if I want to become a surgeon?

Should I go for pre-med or just biology/chemistry degrees? What are the steps it takes to become a surgeon? Is it the same as being a regular physician?

Furthermore, are there things I'm supposed to be doing in undergrad if I want to become a surgeon?

Thank you for answering my questions!

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Andrea Aug 09, 2023 1035 views

How do I choose what major / career if I'm interested in everything and nothing really stands out?

I was going to pursue law, but then acupuncture sounded interesting, but also com sci. I don't have experience in any of these three categories, so who knows? Maybe I won't like all of them. I'm applying to college soon, but I don't really have an idea of what I want to do so I'm kind of...

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Andrea Apr 27, 2023 1273 views

What college should I attend if I want to become an acupuncturist?

Hello! What colleges should I consider if I want to become an acupuncturist? What should I study for undergrad? I live in NY and I can't really find any colleges in the NE region of the US for acupuncture.