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Fresno, California
3 Questions
111 Karma

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Jayden May 09, 2023 667 views

How stressful can the role of Head/Sues Chef be? I know rush hours can be especially difficult and both mentally/physically draining.

What sort of mindset would I need to deal with large crowds and how should I keep a level head if or when customers are unsatisfied?

Jayden’s Avatar
Jayden May 09, 2023 379 views

What kind of income does a head chef/sues chef receive and is it enough to provide for two adults Adding to that, is it enough money to live comfortably??

I'm a bit concerned about the money ill is getting as I know not everyone can be a sues/head chef right after getting a degree.

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Jayden May 09, 2023 404 views

What is a typical week like for a head chef with a busy schedule?

I'm looking to head into the chef/head chef career and I'd like to know more about it.