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Castroville, CA
5 Questions
159 Karma

Fidel’s Career Goals

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Fidel May 16, 2023 681 views

1: When did you decide to pick that career and why 2: Did you have a career plan? ?

9th grade interview assignment

Fidel’s Avatar
Fidel May 16, 2023 535 views

1: Did you do any jobs during college and university related to your career? 2: What college/training program did you go to and what influenced your choice?

9th grade interview assignment

Fidel’s Avatar
Fidel May 16, 2023 501 views

1: Did you have any trouble getting into this career field 2: Where do you see your company in 3 years? ?

9th grade interview assignment

Fidel’s Avatar
Fidel May 16, 2023 760 views

1: How much does the training/education cost? 2: How long did your training/schooling take?

interview assignment for 9th grade

Fidel’s Avatar
Fidel May 14, 2023 424 views

1:What education and/or training helped prepare you for this job ? 2:What recommendations do you have for financial assistance associated with the required higher education, training and experience?

im in 9th grade and im doing an interview assignment