Noah’s Career Goals
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How can I make the most of it with the current job I have?
How can I make my current job a better career path for me and my future?

What are some essential classes that can you prepare for your career?
Is there really any classes I can take to prepare my careere?

What are the best qualities of an interview?
What are they and how can I make an interview more better than before

How does an employee make a good relationship/friendship with the boss?
How can you get on your boss's good side. Is there really anything you can do with that?

How you find or apply for specific scholarships or financial assistance?
What the best thing to find the scholarship you want?

What skills do I need for my first job?
What are some steps or skill I need for my first job? How can i make a good impact?

What is the best way to find a job that suits you?
I want to find a job that will make a good impact in my life and what job can suit me the best?

When is it a good time to find the job you want while working another job?
Is there a way to find a good job while working another job. Like finding a job you want while doing another job.

Whats the best career path to take in life?
Real question is what can I do to find the most recommended choice in the career industry and both how can I make it easy and what do I do to make it easy for me.

How can I find a good career pathway?
I need to find a good career pathway for my first job.

How can I become a good role model for other people?
Like how can I make people successful in the job career or how can I improve the experience