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Tiffany Young

UX/UI Designer & Researcher
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
California, California
3 Answers
4283 Reads
76 Karma


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Sana’s Avatar
Sana Jun 17, 2016 1450 views

What jobs pay the most/have the best benefits?

Want to Know about the benefits of opting a job in a Particular Field. #doctor #engineer #lawyer #police #scientist #artist #astronomy #developer

Mohammed’s Avatar
Mohammed Jun 18, 2016 1053 views

My sister is doing her 12th with Biology, but she don't want to be a doctor. She want to do Engineering. So can She do?

Want to Switch from Biology to Engineering. Is it possible without wasting our academic years?
#doctor #engineer #teacher #educator #counselling

Rosa’s Avatar
Rosa May 20, 2016 1771 views

How does the process of college work? Do people help you, guide you, through college or is it more independent?

I am asking because I am currently being pressured to start my college search and applications and do not know exactly how the process of collefe works. #education #leader #college-teaching