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Jaiden’s Avatar
Jaiden Dec 07, 2023 846 views

Do you think your job as a software developer will have an impact on the future of the IT field?

I'm in 10th grade and I'm doing a project on software developers which is a career I'm interested in going into in the IT field.

kagny’s Avatar
kagny Oct 20, 2023 852 views

What are most challenge part in working?

I don't know what I want to be when I get out of high school but i find nursing and designing interesting but I don't want to be any of those can you help me find other things that will help me find something I like.

Adrian’s Avatar
Adrian Oct 04, 2023 972 views

How can I start coding as a beginner?

How can I get started in coding if I’m just getting started?

Elijah’s Avatar
Elijah Sep 28, 2023 1090 views

What is some software and hardware that I should get familiar with if I wish to pursue a career in computer science?

I am a high school student who wishes to go into some sort of field in computer science. I am very familiar with Unity and C# currently as well as Blender.

Elijah’s Avatar
Elijah Sep 28, 2023 727 views

What are some helpful high school classes that I should take if I want to get a career in software engineering?

I am currently very familiar with coding and I'm good at math as well. I also am very interested in graphic design and 3D modeling. I like coding and doing 3D work in Blender in my freetime.

Isha’s Avatar
Isha Aug 23, 2023 2437 views

Is there still a demand in IT with the emergence of AI?

ai is just scary

Blanca’s Avatar
Blanca Aug 16, 2023 426 views

How do I know that the college I apply to will help me in the future?

Senior, Warren County High School

Preston’s Avatar
Preston Aug 15, 2023 484 views

How much enjoyment do you get from programming a stoftware?

I would like to program softwares but i'm not sure if the majority of people can find it enjoyable.