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Joseph-Shannon O'Hannigan’s Avatar

Joseph-Shannon O'Hannigan

Business consulting
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Orlando, Florida
10 Answers
22497 Reads
11 Karma

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Preston’s Avatar
Preston May 31, 2023 446 views

What is the best thing to do over the summer when out of school?

During the summer what is the most productive thing students can do and learn the make there free time successful? Does anyone have any good options or advice for this?

Macy’s Avatar
Macy May 31, 2023 1574 views

What is the best scholarships for incoming 10th graders?

I want to start applying for scholarships early, but don’t know which are the best to apply to.

Vera’s Avatar
Vera May 31, 2023 632 views

What does it take to open your own hotel?

I've always loved helping others and traveling the world, so what better way then opening my own hotel? But, what does it take to be successful?

Vianey’s Avatar
Vianey Jun 01, 2023 1287 views

What are some career options if I want to major in business and when can I start taking action to pursue it ?

I am a 10th grader going to sophomore year and I'm not sure what career I would pursue. I started getting interested in business and being a CEO of my own company but I have no idea of what I can do to start my own company. I also got interested in entrepreneurship because it seemed like it...

Meghan’s Avatar
Meghan Jun 07, 2023 985 views

what should not be included in a college essay?

I keep seeing videos of what not to include is college essays what do you think is important

Amire’s Avatar
Amire Jun 09, 2023 4303 views

What are some of your concerns about college?

What colleges are you interested in? What are some of your favorite classes and why? What are you looking for in a college? What are some of your concerns about college?

Jenny’s Avatar
Jenny Jun 08, 2023 718 views

How do I become a police investigator ?

I am going for a police investigator career yet I don’t know much in what I need to do…?

I am planing of applying for Monmouth University when I graduate in 2025

Raphael’s Avatar
Raphael Jun 09, 2023 3538 views

How can I figure out what career is right for me?

I wanna make a lot of money, and I have knowledge in biomedical science, but am interested in music and philosophy. So I am not sure what to do!

Julaina’s Avatar
Julaina Jun 09, 2023 7334 views

What should I bring up when I'm trying to apply for a job?

Being an upcoming junior I am finding it hard to get a job with no previous experience and being under 18.

Kai’s Avatar
Kai Jun 09, 2023 1732 views

Hi Im 16 years old going to be a senior next year my question is how can I become a Nurse without having to go to a four year college Can I become one through a community college and if so what kinds of fields can I go into??

I want to be a nurse just don’t know what field to be in and what my options are.