angie’s Career Goals
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What professions have the highest salary on average that is not in the medical field?
I'm an incoming freshman and I am beginning to attempt to figure out what I want my career path to be. Of course, while doing research, one of the biggest factors is money. However I seemed to come across a common theme of medicine being the field which pays the most, but I am definitely not...

What are the unspoken challenges of becoming an entrepreneur?
I'm interested in entering the business/finance field, even though I am aware of amount of effort that is required. I'm very driven and eager to learn, however I'm not sure where to start or even what specific area of the fields to go into. Could anyone who works under these fields explain...

What are some things colleges look for in a student?
I'm about to become a freshman in highschool and I would like to get a head start on my college resume. What would be the best way to go about this?