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Dixon Cheung’s Avatar

Dixon Cheung

Game Designer, Narrative Designer, Creative Lead (Advertising)
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
7 Answers
10811 Reads
11 Karma

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Yashasri’s Avatar
Yashasri Oct 03, 2023 927 views

"How can I leverage my graphic design skills to create a fulfilling and successful career in today's competitive creative industry What are the key trends and tools I should focus on to stay relevant and excel in this field?"?

How can I leverage my graphic design skills to create a fulfilling and successful career in today's competitive creative industry? What are the key trends and tools I should focus on to stay relevant and excel in this field?

Bella’s Avatar
Bella Oct 06, 2023 729 views

How creative do you get to be as a graphic designer while still following your client's requests?

I am in 10th grade, and I have family members that are in graphic design so it has always interested me.

Kianna’s Avatar
Kianna Oct 04, 2023 853 views

If I wanted to be a video game designer, what kind of college course should I take and what kind of coding classes are best for this?

I am a freshmen who is interested in this career and I'm trying to find out which career is best for me to take.

Ender’s Avatar
Ender Sep 15, 2023 4577 views

What would be the best major to go into when I want to be a game developer?

I really want to go into game development or design but I can never find a good answer about what would be the best major to go in.

Marion’s Avatar
Marion Sep 03, 2023 1074 views

Can I make a career out of playing video games?

Can I make a career out of playing video games?

Christina’s Avatar
Christina Aug 09, 2023 584 views

What is the best advice to give to stay consistent with making YouTube gaming videos?

What is the best advice to stay consistent with making YouTube gaming videos

Bella’s Avatar
Bella Jul 31, 2023 2227 views

How difficult is it to make a living being a graphic designer??

I'm interested in being a graphic designer and doing commissions and selling art, but I keep hearing how difficult and unrealistic it is. Is it really so difficult? Is it possible?