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Gireesh Subramanya’s Avatar

Gireesh Subramanya

Technology / Software Development
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
San Jose, California
6 Answers
13010 Reads
21 Karma

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Natalie’s Avatar
Natalie Jun 29, 2023 1631 views

Job suggestions, non coding?

Hello, I'm a college freshman and wanted to know; what are some non-coding jobs in tech? What can you **really** do without coding skills?

Ahrya’s Avatar
Ahrya Aug 15, 2023 1574 views

How will I find a good career that fits me for who I am?

Advice on the best career choices?

Bella’s Avatar
Bella Aug 20, 2023 5297 views

How can I start looking for a job after college?

I am going to college soon and have not yet decided where or what for. But my main concern is how difficult it will be to find a career after graduating

Isadora’s Avatar
Isadora Aug 21, 2023 1517 views

how can I set a path to be successful at a young age?

I am 16
I want to start a business and be a young entrepreneur
any advice on certain books to read or habits that will help

Isha’s Avatar
Isha Aug 23, 2023 2416 views

Is there still a demand in IT with the emergence of AI?

ai is just scary

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Aug 23, 2023 923 views

What does it take to be a good college student and what do you need to do?

What things are helpful to bring to college