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Karin P.’s Avatar

Karin P.

Lecturer, Student Advisor
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Göttingen, Lower Saxony, Germany
460 Answers
1613729 Reads
1515 Karma


Citizen Patrol
Civic Duty
Tahsin’s Avatar
Tahsin Sep 29, 2023 523 views

Scholarships for Detroit Students?

Hi, I am a current high school senior trying to make enough money for college. Are there any scholarships exclusive for Detroit, POC, or women?

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Sep 27, 2023 1024 views

Which college has the best acting/theatre department?

I don't think I have asked this question, but I know I have said that I want to be an actress, but I don't know which college has the best department. I want to go to a good but cheap college because my family doesn't make a whole lot of money.

Alber’s Avatar
Alber Sep 27, 2023 4432 views

How many classes do I have to fail to not graduate from college?

How many Classes do I need to pass?

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Sep 20, 2023 1105 views

How do I prepare myself to apply to Leiden university when I'm an American?

-My aunt works there and my parents are very enthusiastic about me going there.
-I have a 4.0 and extra cirriculars.

Maleila’s Avatar
Maleila Sep 21, 2023 772 views

How much does a labor and delivery nurse make in Arizona?

labor and delivery

rena’s Avatar
rena Jul 31, 2023 711 views

How can I find biology research opportunities (particularly neuroscience) available to me given that I'm a high school student during the school year?

I'm an incoming junior with limited experience in the field, but I think it would be a wonderful experience to partake in research, whether of my own or of a professional. My only worry is with the timing complication (what with school and everything else).

Corina’s Avatar
Corina Jul 24, 2023 3301 views

What college would be recommended if I want to study autopsy and be an autopsy tech?

I want to be an autopsy technician but I'm not sure what college would be best to go to nor do i know what colleges offer autopsy courses