Career questions tagged mortuary

What are some things you think any new employee should know when coming into your practice?
Things such as boundaries or other challenges they might face?

What college would be recommended if I want to study autopsy and be an autopsy tech?
I want to be an autopsy technician but I'm not sure what college would be best to go to nor do i know what colleges offer autopsy courses

What is it like being a funeral director?
My parents are both funeral director and I would like to see what it is like to be one! I find it SOOOO cool and just want to learn more about the profession.

For a coroner, how hard is it to get over seeing the dead bodies, or does it never get any easier?
I am looking into the coroner career and this is something I was worried about because it obviously would affect my performance.

What are the training requirements for A mortician?
Are there certain schools I have to attend, which is the best

What's work life like in a Mortuary?
I'm trying to learn more about work life in a Mortuary as I want to become a Mortician in a few years. Does the work ever become mentally taxing? What are some skills you never thought would be useful in the field but ended up helping you out in the long run? #mortuary #mortuary-sciences #mortician #funeral-home #embalming #funeral-director

Where should I go to be a Mortician?
I've been researching about mortuary sciences and was wondering where the best places to get a job to be one, and where to go to school is. Does it ever have a lasting emotional impact on you? I've always been interested in bodies though that does sound strange. #mortician #mortuary-science #medicine #science #biology #mortuary #funeral #healthcare #medical