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Yisel Andujar’s Avatar

Yisel Andujar

Pharmacy Healthcare Professional
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Vineland, New Jersey
65 Answers
64689 Reads
61 Karma

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Terrell’s Avatar
Terrell Sep 19, 2023 657 views

How do you become a successful screenwriter and how to make any person fall in love with your work?

My name is Terrell and I’m a sophomore in high school my goal is to get in to a college with a great screen writing program so I can be somebody when I grow up.

Bishes’s Avatar
Bishes Sep 19, 2023 622 views

How can I choose which career path I want to go with?

I just started high school, and I have no idea what I want to do after senior year. How can I choose which career I want to pursue while here in high school?