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Rihem Ben Khaled’s Avatar

Rihem Ben Khaled

software engineering student
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Sousse, Tunisia
25 Answers
40708 Reads
231 Karma

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Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan May 26, 2022 1789 views

What did you do to become a software developer and what was your salary because of that?

What did you do to become a software developer and what was your salary because of that. Im slowly getting pieces of what it would be like to be a software developer.

Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan May 26, 2022 1746 views

What 2 or 3 coding languages should i study?

I have heard many coding languages but what are the 2 or 3 most used so I can study those in particular once i start studying them. If I'm not mistaken, JavaScript and python are commonly used.

Benjamin’s Avatar
Benjamin Aug 29, 2022 785 views

What is the best coding language to start with?

I would like to know what coding languages that can be used universally and where I could learn them from.

Shaina’s Avatar
Shaina Sep 11, 2022 1074 views

How do absorb or learn technical functions in programming languages?

I am an IT student. Having a hard time memorizing the functions in Python and figuring out what the "problem" needs. Like I know what is the flow of the "program" but I have no idea what functions or specific commands to use.

Pei Bin’s Avatar
Pei Bin Sep 27, 2022 954 views

How can I get into software engineer or game design?

What will help me achieve my goal of becoming a software engineer or game designer?

Jayson’s Avatar
Jayson Oct 02, 2023 807 views

What does a game design position entail?

I am looking into the game creation world and seeing a lot of titles with game design in them I know mostly what It means but am not 100% sure what they do day to day. and what should I look into doing in order to get a job with that title?

myya’s Avatar
myya Oct 11, 2023 3983 views

Can you be a self-taught software developer have a high-paying job and didn't go to college?

In the 11th grade and thinking about being a software developer but I don't want to go to college

Ridwan’s Avatar
Ridwan Feb 17, 2023 1215 views

what do I need to know as a data scientist?

I am an Msc student in data science and artificial intelligence. I had no previous background in programming hence I find it difficult to cope.

Nickolas’s Avatar
Nickolas Apr 26, 2023 1794 views

What do I need to become a Software Engineer?

I am a 8th grader and I would like to know what would I need to become a software engineer specially the company Apple.

Yaritza’s Avatar
Yaritza Mar 21, 2023 1209 views

What skills do you need to become a software engineer ?

Will I have to take a course to ensure I have the skills I need to have to become a software engineer?

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler May 08, 2023 2266 views

What do i need to become a professional gaming streamer?

I like playing video games on my free time. Some say that I have potential, and I think I should embark on this journey.

kevin’s Avatar
kevin May 12, 2023 780 views

Why do people become Software Engineers?

what motivated you?

Randy’s Avatar
Randy May 12, 2023 2198 views

What skills or knowledge do you need for a Software Developer/Engineer career?

I'm a junior in high school and will apply for colleges next year.

fernando’s Avatar
fernando May 15, 2023 570 views

is there any classes or clubs i should look for to get more into software development? if so, what should i look for?

software development

Robin’s Avatar
Robin Oct 22, 2023 1939 views

How do people and AI confront every day problems?

Like writing an essay to lifting boxes, and do they impact the world as much as we do? (Doctors, surgeons etc)