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Jeff Boyce’s Avatar

Jeff Boyce

Business Development
Sales and Related Occupations
Henderson, Nevada
8 Answers
18404 Reads
1 Karma

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Pearl’s Avatar
Pearl Apr 24 2427 views

How can I improve my art skills faster ?

So, I have been studying character design, anime art, anatomy, perspective, etc., everything related to art for a while now. But still, there's more to learn. And I feel like I am taking more time. Can anyone provide me with guidance on this? I will be thankful.

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Apr 25 364 views

what is the best things i have to learn new lanaguage ?

what is the best things i have to learn new lanaguage ?

Oscar’s Avatar
Oscar Apr 25 1020 views

What is something that can help me figure out the career path I would want?

I really enjoy things that i can focus and get into the zone in and i just need to figure out what those things are

Joyce’s Avatar
Joyce Dec 25, 2023 1477 views

How can I be successful in my career?

I need help

Azariyah’s Avatar
Azariyah Dec 11, 2023 1081 views

How would I go about starting a business where I sell my art?

I'm 16 and want to sell my art but idk where to start. Do I need a lot of money to start?

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Dec 27, 2023 5881 views

What can I do inorder to achieve my dream career?

Any answer could be of help I'll appreciate

Bailey’s Avatar
Bailey Dec 15, 2023 1182 views

What career path did you chose? Pros and cons of the career path you took?

What made you choose the career you’re in today. Have you enjoyed your decision. What do you like about the career you chose and what don’t you like about.

Kelly’s Avatar
Kelly Dec 15, 2023 925 views

How to become Artist?

I want to know about it.