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Henry Ling’s Avatar

Henry Ling

Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Los Angeles, California
25 Answers
15157 Reads
31 Karma


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Amy’s Avatar
Amy Mar 27 542 views

What are the different types of Architecture Majors?

I know there are different types of Architecture majors/ jobs out there, but I don't know what they are/ what you do in them.

Aris’s Avatar
Aris Mar 26 487 views

In your opinion, what are the pros and cons of working in this field ?

I am a high school student doing career research on becoming an architect, even a post secondary teacher.

Maureen’s Avatar
Maureen Mar 22 526 views

If my natural inclination is not to draw should I be an architect?

advice, details, specifics,

Rashaun’s Avatar
Rashaun Mar 22 482 views

What are the different types of jobs in architecture? I think I want to become an architect but I don't know enough to make the decision.

I want to get a degree in architecture. Im not sure if architecture is the best route. I'm not sure exactly what an architect does. I like working with my hands. I like designing. I like problem solving. I was a carpenter for a year, and a mechanic before that. Im lost in the details. Drafting,...

mayleah’s Avatar
mayleah Feb 29 415 views

does anyone know how i could increase my ability to be more amusing for being and architect?

i want to be more amusing for people I'll work with when i'm an architect.

Cassidy’s Avatar
Cassidy Feb 28 1411 views

What are good classes to take in highschool if you like architecture?

I like architecture but I don't know what classes to take to see if I really have fun with this topic or if it just sounds interesting.

Leonel’s Avatar
Leonel Feb 27 381 views

How can I be more helpful while working as an architect?

I am in 8th grade and looking to be an architect when I grow up.

Justice’s Avatar
Justice Feb 27 867 views

Is a major in Architecture worth it?

I was thinking about having Architecture as my major but I am unsure whether or not it is worth it.

Andres’s Avatar
Andres Feb 07 555 views

I’m interested in learning about what A Day in the Life was like for an architect.

So far I have learned that it's pretty difficult to keep up with the client's budget and desires, I would like to know what other difficulties architects face.

Megan’s Avatar
Megan Feb 08 1053 views

How hard is it to be an Architect?

I enjoy art and I think that architecture would be interesting.