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Can I change university if i have already started one?
I have just been wondering if people can change university even if they have spent a year or 2 in it just like high school

any advice about where can i learn new skill?
any advice about where can i learn new skill?

Which university should I go to? NC state at Raleigh or Cal State, Long Beach?
I'm a international student from Iran and I have been accepted to both NCSU and CSULB and I can't decide which one I should attend :) Cal state is ranked 105 while NC state is 60 among Value schools. Cal state is a lot cheaper though and they offer scholarship for international students after...

Finding Internships?
A second-year college student. How to find internships that will help me gain experience that is a mixture of psychology and education? How to find an internship specific to my career goals? I want to work as a school counselor/psychologist eventually.

What steps have you taken that have best helped you to succeed in school and beyond?
I am in college pursuing a Multimedia Certificate while working part time. While this particular term is just getting started, I have a handful of more terms to go through before I can earn my certificate and go into a career. Are there certain steps you are taking in college or which you have...

What advice do you have a first year college student?
I’ve heard multiple people say their first year is hard and depressing.

What are good internships and research opportunities for high school students currently open?
Hello, my name is Adarsh, a junior in high school student in Bellevue, Washington. I am a very motivated and hardworking high school student who has multiple years of experience in programming with various languages like java, python etc. I believe to be a valuable asset for any company and am...

What are some tips to get into the film industry for someone who is still in college?
I am a film major in my 2nd semester of college I want to be a creative director for film. I have little connections and I need some tips for success.

How to balance time ?
1.im currently study 4th years Japanese major From 1pm to 4pm class study Japanese on university From 7pm have part time job to 10pm How to manage time self study jlpt test,test,study programming,study music production if self study at home less time 2.how to balance part time job and self...

How do you end up getting a good job after college and become successful in marketing
I plan on going to Arizona State at W.P Carey Business school to study marketing and planning to get a minor in international business. I have always wanted to do marketing but want to become successful in this career field. How possible is this to achieve?

Which Career should I choose Theatre or Marine Biology?
They're completely different, but they are both significant to me. For instance, I love acting, I've been doing it my whole life and can't imagine myself without it! It makes me the happiest I've ever been and brought me out of my shell of anxiety. It's made me who I am. However, I also love...

What are tips for people between the ages of 18-22 that don’t know what career to pursue? ?
This question was asked during our Internships 101 webinar