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Matt Tincup’s Avatar

Matt Tincup

Graphic designer
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Vancouver, Washington
4 Answers
3287 Reads
1 Karma

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Jen’s Avatar
Jen May 15 606 views

What are some things to focus on to help make your art portfolio stand out? I am wprried about not getting hired because I have no previous work experience besides freelance commissions. Any advice?

Aspiring Illustrator here!
Portfolio tips?
How to stand out.
What aspects are important.
Should I aim for internships first?

Monday’s Avatar
Monday May 14 811 views

How can I learn computer stuff ?

I want to learn about computer science and if possible coding graphic design and other things that next to be done with PC

Am willing to learn hopefully o will be the best

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon Apr 24 530 views

Has a career in marketing allowed you work in a variety of fields and industries If so, how similar or different was it to work in each field? #Spring24

As a high school senior finishing high school, and heading into college to study Business marketing, I’m curious about how versatile marketing can be.

Dee’s Avatar
Dee Apr 14 1062 views

I’m a 13 year old and I want to be a graphic designer. What do I do?

Hi I’m a 13 year old and I want to be a graphic designer and I don’t what to do. My school doesn’t really have that many courses on it. They have Media, 3D art and Yearbook, etc. I really want to know what to do