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Sarah Tarraf’s Avatar

Sarah Tarraf

Management Occupations
Detroit, Michigan
5 Answers
4332 Reads
11 Karma

Active Locations

Quentin’s Avatar
Quentin Mar 06 473 views

I Really value Money,Creativity and Leadership. What jobs or career paths align with these values?

Any information is helpful

Gurbaani’s Avatar
Gurbaani Aug 02, 2023 1880 views

How should I go about getting leadership positions in school?

Most are popularity contests which introverts and less popular people have no chance of winning.

Mohammed’s Avatar
Mohammed Nov 13, 2023 2738 views

How do I start Management Consulting Career?

I need advice in how I make myself stand-out of the crowd that is already hunting Management Consultants jobs. I want to know the perfect kick start to management consultant career and unmeasured success.

Veronica’s Avatar
Veronica Mar 16 970 views

How can I promote my Blog/Website?

I'm creating a blog/website that spreads awareness to Mental health and provides the resources needed to contact anyone if you need help. I haven't finished it yet, but I've been pretty worried that no one will be able to see it and my work will go to waste. I've been wondering, how can I...

Emmanuel’s Avatar
Emmanuel Mar 29 519 views

What can I do to get rich ?

Ways to get rich