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Tenchy Jefferson’s Avatar

Tenchy Jefferson

Data Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Cypress, Texas
5 Answers
3586 Reads
1 Karma



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Isaiah’s Avatar
Isaiah Apr 14 858 views

Aside from the high pay, what is the appeal of Computer Science?

I am a college student at Hofstra University. I'm a Computer Science major and am currently a college sophomore.

Jayla’s Avatar
Jayla Apr 14 1324 views

How to figure out what I want to pursue later in my life?

I am currently an informatics major in college with a concentration in User Interactive Experience. Initially I was a computer science major, but saw it wasn't something I 100% wanted to do. How can I figure out what I want to do. I enjoy coding and web design, but Im also interested in owning...

Jamie’s Avatar
Jamie Apr 19 889 views

Have you witnessed or dealt with discrimination in STEM?

We have a huge research project in our class where we need to gather information about discrimination people have faced in STEM? Whether it was when you were a student or have a full- time carrer, have you faced discrimination?

Amy’s Avatar
Amy Apr 21 813 views

What are some computer engineer or related internships that don't require any prior experience?

I am a college student looking for computer engineer internships in the San Jose Bay Area. What are some companies that are recruiting right now?

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Apr 22 1028 views

How do most programmers know what exactly to type when coding?

How do most programmers know what exactly to type when coding?