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Rochishni Kolli’s Avatar

Rochishni Kolli

Ex - Software Testing Engineer
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Irvine, California
6 Answers
10371 Reads
21 Karma

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Maya’s Avatar
Maya Jul 18, 2024 832 views

How can I gain experience with freelance script and game writing and build a portfolio?

When I look at jobs on LinkedIn I see they usually require 2 years of experience. I would like to write part time and I’m curious about how to gain experience while I’m still at school.

carmen’s Avatar
carmen Jul 07, 2024 1437 views

How do I find internships as someone who wants to go into web design?

Should I be cold emailing companies, and if so which ones? Or do you know of any? I'm a sophomore looking for something to full my summer with that I'm passionate about.

Radhika’s Avatar
Radhika May 28, 2024 5930 views

Can anyone suggest me some careers which have both computer science and art (drawing)?

I actually want a career which requires little math and as I am interested in art and computer as well

C’s Avatar
C May 22, 2024 752 views

How can someone start practicing game development?

How can someone begin practicing working on games?
Where do they start in this field; the best place to begin?
What do they do to find their career path in this subject?

Josh’s Avatar
Josh May 23, 2024 684 views

What do i need to become an aspiring veterinarian?

I am about to graduate from highschool and I want to know what i should do if I want to get closer to being a veterinarian without alot of experience.

Logan’s Avatar
Logan May 23, 2024 726 views

How can I develop and learn skills related to fashion design?

I am a freshman in high school. I aspire to be a fashion designer or stylist, but currently I just don't have the skills to be and don't know how to develop them.