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Mahak Salim’s Avatar

Mahak Salim

SAP Administrator
Houston, Texas
5 Answers
11769 Reads
11 Karma

Active Locations

Ismael’s Avatar
Ismael May 10 547 views

How would you describe a typical day on your job?

How would you describe a typical day on your job?

Chloe’s Avatar
Chloe Feb 21 1487 views

How can I properly manage my time while still being a full-time student, continuing my internship, and working part-time ?

I'm currently in my first year in community college.

stanley’s Avatar
stanley Jun 07 2842 views

how can i improve my computer skills?

I need to learn computer skills and improve my skills

Hareem’s Avatar
Hareem Apr 24 921 views

What are some good ways to establish a healthy relationship with your manager/supervisor? #Spring24

I am working right now and am about to start an internship in the summer. I feel I struggle with maintaining a healthy relationship with my supervisors, either by being extra agreeable, to the point where its hard for me to start up for myself, or by being closed off and not being seen as...

Kate’s Avatar
Kate Jun 06 2819 views

How do I identify a fulfilling career?

With the numerous career options how can on find a fulfilling one.