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Iqra Bismi’s Avatar

Iqra Bismi

Data Scientist
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Milpitas, California
10 Answers
2495 Reads
1 Karma

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Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa May 04 794 views

How do you pursue a career in data science?

I am majoring in computer science. What kind of projects could you build?

Hugo’s Avatar
Hugo May 15 604 views

People who work in the field of statistics, what are some fun things you got to do for your jobs??

I'm a first-year college student and it's almost the end of the school year. Over the summer I would like to work on a project and I have a few fun ideas I would like to try out. I asked this question to see if my ideas could relate to others.

Rudolph’s Avatar
Rudolph May 03 700 views

can i learn new language on youtube or online?

can i learn new language on youtube or online?

Ivy’s Avatar
Ivy May 06 1111 views

why is python necessary?

i want to lean

Mary’s Avatar
Mary May 15 789 views

Will artificial intelligence ever take over the world ?

Is there a likelihood of this ever happening

Wonderful’s Avatar
Wonderful May 16 992 views

What is the best way to learn?

What is the best way to learn

Rodgers’s Avatar
Rodgers May 29 1486 views

What is the best degree in the world?

What is the best degree in the world?

Franco’s Avatar
Franco Jun 28 719 views

Im gonna persue my bachelors on AI engineering next year. Do you think this is a good field? or is something overly saturated?

I also thought about studying Mechanical Engineering or Chemical Engineering. But AI is just something incredible. I feel like studying that could be similar to studying "medicine" in the past. Is a very general field and you can specialize in anything that you want after that. In my case i...

alonzo’s Avatar
alonzo Jun 10 922 views

what can i do to get in the tech industry?

hi i am Alonzo ..i would like to know how one can get into the tech industry

Sanaii’s Avatar
Sanaii Jun 25 420 views

Is there anyone who can help me start up a free online coding program for elementary school students?

I am a member of the organization LoveTech. LoveTech is a youth organization dedicated to uplifting and supporting everyone in STEM, no matter their age or gender. Members like myself are committed to helping our communities and making sure everyone achieves tech literacy, something that is...