Brian Cunkelman
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What is life like after attaining a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering?
Would it be easy to find a job? Is it difficult adjusting to the life of a professional engineer, in contrast to the previous life as an engineering student? #engineering #engineer #mechanical-engineering #after-college #graduating

What is the environment at Ivy-leage and top unverities and collges like?
I am a junior in high school. I am looking to apply to colleges next summer and just wanted to get a heads up to see what I was aiming for. #college #university #ivy-league

What type of jobs are available for people who major in mechanical engineering?
I am asking this because I am currently completing my senior year of high school and college is around the corner and I would like to know what my future possibilities would be before I commit to a certain major. #mechanical-engineering #mechanical-engineer #robotics #stemcareers

How to take advantage of networking? Is it a disadvantage to be an introvert?
As a student I always hear that we need to build up a "nice network", but how can I address my efforts to really take benefit from it? #engineering #management #mechanical-engineering #electrical-engineering #industrial-engineering

What's more cost effective- minimum wage in an area with low cost of living, or an internship in a high cost area?
I'm trying to figure out what to do with my summer, with the knowledge that I have to pay for my own housing and all my living expenses. I'm a college freshman, so the internship probably wouldn't pay me too much more than a regular minimum wage job. Another possible option would be to stay in...

As a mechanical engineer, what are the three most exciting projects you have been assigned?
I am interested in pursuing a career as a mechanical engineer. It is always interesting to me know the most inspirational parts of someone's career. #mechanical-engineering

What are the bet internships student should pursue if wanting to build experience in the field before completing college of electrical engineering.
I would love to gain a hands on experience in my field to get a good idea of what my future may look like. #engineering #mechanical-engineering #biomedical-engineering #industrial-engineering

What degree is recommended for a prospective mechanical engineer?
I am interested in becoming a mechanical engineer and am looking at which colleges to apply to. #mechanical-engineering

What classes are commonly taken in college to become a mechanical engineer?
I want to be a mechanical engineer and I was wondering what classes I would need to take. #college #engineering #mechanical