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Oishi Rahman, PharmD’s Avatar

Oishi Rahman, PharmD

Retail Pharmacist
Healthcare Support Occupations
New York, New York
15 Answers
7919 Reads
19 Karma

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Siya’s Avatar
Siya Feb 03 1321 views

Classes for 10th, 11th, and 12th grade for someone who wants to go into medicine?

I'm deciding my career path for the rest of high school and I want to go into medicine, preferably pediatrics, psych , or emergency med. What classes should I choose ?

Cheeky’s Avatar
Cheeky Feb 08 2382 views

"What are some effective ways to gain clinical experience before applying to medical school" ?

Any tips and skills to gain

Thanvi’s Avatar
Thanvi Dec 27, 2024 1130 views

How do I find impactful medical internships/research opportunities as a high schooler?

I'm a 16 year old Junior at Mira Mesa High, and I have experience with remote medical experience, but I'd like an internship like shadowing a doctor or connecting with medical experts to write a research paper and I'm not sure how to do that as a high schooler; something that's actually...

Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea Dec 19, 2024 785 views

Should I accept this administrative volunteer position at a hospital?

I am a freshman in college going pre-med. Should I accept this administrative volunteer position at a hospital? Like handling papers and transporting patients. While it doesn't count as clinical hours, do you still think it is important to have this volunteering position? I need to fulfill 150...

michael’s Avatar
michael Nov 18, 2024 526 views

What are Things I should look out for in pharmacy tech?

I'm interested in working

anthony’s Avatar
anthony Dec 16, 2024 432 views

What the requirements for a medicine course?

I feel my calling is in medicine, surgeon to be specific but I actually don,t do well at school. I'm wondering which subjects i should concentrate on to get to medical school after highschool?

Elise’s Avatar
Elise Dec 11, 2024 1025 views

I am Not Quite Sure What To Do For College and What The Process is Like

I am in the 7th grade and I am just beginning to explore my future career, what are some careers and helpful next steps I should consider based on my passions and interests? At school, I am most interested in music, English, and science and math when it isn't to easy, but I don't think that I...

eddie’s Avatar
eddie Dec 13, 2024 387 views

what can i do to have a lot of money?

i need a job after college to take of my family

angel’s Avatar
angel Dec 13, 2024 1072 views

How to Ask My Ochem Professor for Leniency?

Hi, I don’t know if this is the right place to ask, but I really need advice. I’m currently failing Organic Chemistry, but I’m only a few points away from passing. This semester has been really hard for me, both academically and personally. I’m trying to figure out if there’s a way to bargain...

Tasnin’s Avatar
Tasnin Dec 11, 2024 709 views

How do I shadow someone in the career field I want to go into? (Multiple questions below)

I am a junior in high school and I really want to shadow a dentist and a sonographer because those are my top two choices. By shadowing it'll help me understand which career path I would rather go into. It would also give me some good experience. HOWEVER, my problem is no one is answering my...

King’s Avatar
King Dec 11, 2024 718 views

What made you guys choose the career you chose? What motivated you to continue to strive towards that goal and why do you still do it to this day?

I'm currently 17 and I will be heading into the neuromuscular system field(Neuroscience) to pursue my life long dream job of being a neurosurgeon so I can save lives.

will’s Avatar
will Dec 08, 2024 596 views

what do i need to consider most before choosing a science career?

i like sciences

Annaliyah’s Avatar
Annaliyah Nov 26, 2024 926 views

How do you become pharmacy technician and registered nurse? When did you start your secondary education for this field? What made you choose this field? What's the benefits of your training and how does it help you to your day to day life?

When you become how long does it take for you to complete your program?

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Nov 22, 2024 955 views

What's the work/life like as a pharmacy technician?

I'm at Job Corps entering the pharmacy tech field and I'm curious, once the work day is over does your job bleed into your private life? Are you on call? etc.