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Rebecca Joseph’s Avatar

Rebecca Joseph

Substitute Teacher
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Pembroke Pines, Florida
12 Answers
7956 Reads
21 Karma

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Ana’s Avatar
Ana Jan 21 911 views

Does teaching affect your mental health?

I'm not a teacher but I want to make sure that my future self is ok and if there is any tips to help your mental health I would like to know.

Deja’s Avatar
Deja Jan 17 768 views

what should I be when I get older ?

what should I do when I get older I really enjoy doing hair and nails but I don't know please ask me questions about it

Derrick’s Avatar
Derrick Jan 15 545 views

Producers on this website?

Do anybody mess with FL Studio or Bandlab and make beats (or just rap) on this website? Let me know down below.

samantha’s Avatar
samantha Jan 15 445 views

what jobs will I be able to get doing office administration? How many words a minute will I need to be able to type? What computer programs will I need to learn?

im a student

Catrina’s Avatar
Catrina Jan 13 729 views

How can I publish my book as a high schooler?

Hello! I am a freshman in high school, and I am halfway through writing a book that I would really like to publish. However, publishing is expensive. Should I wait until I’ve graduated to try and publish? Could I potentially self-publish?

Kaelyn’s Avatar
Kaelyn Dec 09, 2024 590 views

Will it be hard to double major when I get to college?

I'm in 9th and I want to double major in college. I want to get my business degree and my education degree But I'm nervous its gonna be to hard for me to handle.

AuBrianna’s Avatar
AuBrianna Jan 10 757 views

If I am looking into starting my own business but also trying to start my writing career how am I going to get the start-up money for that when I have been applying everywhere and they are always full, and my parents won't loan me money because I have to work for it?

I need a job so I can take driver's ed, and I haven't had much luck applying to places, I live in a small town with not very many productive places for teens to work, and I am thinking about starting to look for any type of writing/English/caregiving paid internships. I am hard-working and I am...

Tariona’s Avatar
Tariona Jan 10 878 views

Is it possible to find a job in any early education/early childhood position while in high school?

I am in my second year of trade school and third year of high school. I study early childhood education at trade school and would really like to start working with children before I graduate, if possible.

Victoria Nghi’s Avatar
Victoria Nghi Jan 05 1558 views

What should I learn or what should I do first to facilitate my research process?

I am an undergraduate student majoring in Psychology, I'm interested in research and experimental psychology but I don't know how to start my research. What should I learn or what should I do first to facilitate my research process?

Canaan’s Avatar
Canaan Dec 16, 2024 931 views

Is it possible to switch Majors in College right away after you get in?

Is it possible to get in to a top college as a Linguistic Major and switch to Computer Science?

Kathy’s Avatar
Kathy Dec 03, 2024 416 views

What types of things can I start doing to work toward college. Another question I have is what majors work with young children. Lastly, is there are certain things that I need to work toward to work with kids or in certain fields such as being an educator or a social worker for children and more?

I am in 9th grade in a high school located in California. As of right now I am 14 years old. I am willing to do things such as volunteering, researching, taking classes and more