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Rachel F’s Avatar

Rachel F

Senior User Experience Content Designer
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
15 Answers
2005 Reads
11 Karma

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Hung’s Avatar
Hung Mar 13 713 views

Which one do I have to decide a job that can benefit me in the future or the job that I like?

I'm junior in highschool and want to find a job that I could gain experiences and do it with my friends.

Amir’s Avatar
Amir Mar 14 2230 views

Motivation and Memory.

First of all, I wanted to say to all the people who took the time and given me their support. Thank you all so much, it means a lot to me. Now onto the point: I have a terrible time at keeping myself Motivated enough to do my work or anything that I didn't finish after school. The moment I go...

zachary’s Avatar
zachary Mar 15 3318 views

can I get a job a 14?

how can I get a job at my age because my mom needs money and I wanna work before I turn 15 I have 5 months before i turn 15.I don't know what jobs to do because I'm young

Onogate’s Avatar
Onogate Mar 15 478 views

I need a job, I’m 15

I’m a footballer, but I need job

FRU JOEL’s Avatar
FRU JOEL 2 days ago 395 views

How can I get started with my degree program

I am a high school graduate. I wil like to have a degree in sports and fitness. I like topics like sports, architecture,economics, lawyer and many more

Rama’s Avatar
Rama 2 days ago 191 views

Hi, my name is Rama. Why don't girls get the same treatment as boys in soccer?

I always wanted to be a soccer player but my parents told me that they don't give much money like saléreil but they prefer that I play tennis even if I don't like it.

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Aug 17, 2018 684 views

Once I have a degree, will my employers care what my degree is in?

#after college

Jose’s Avatar
Jose Sep 14, 2021 428 views

What video game companies are looking to hire someone?

I #video-games want to work for a big video game company.

Javin’s Avatar
Javin May 20, 2021 512 views

I am an incoming 12th grader who is interested in becoming and professional football player purse my dreams and help my family later on in life and if that doesn’t work out I’ll be an engineer and going into to computer.

#football #nfl

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel May 06, 2016 771 views

What kind of Jobs are their in Art. How can I get started to have a degree in Art. Do I have to be really good at art to have and art job?

I love Art but I don't know if I am that great. #degree #in

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth May 21, 2016 1096 views

What are some of the jobs available for someone with a PhD in English?

I want a PhD in English, and I want to be a college professor. However, I would like to know some of the other options for that careers with that degree. #college #higher-education #english #phd

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel May 09, 2024 436 views

Career in English ?

Career In English

j’s Avatar
j May 21, 2016 1099 views

How would i improve english writing ?

iIhave intrested in english subject. #english

Joe’s Avatar
Joe Oct 31, 2016 1052 views

What are some ways in which I can get some in-field experience while still working on my major?

I'm a high school senior and I know that, unfortunately, some graduates don't know what to do, or don't have the experience to start working in their desired field after college. So they take a part time job and just waste time because, even though they have a degree, they don't have any actual...

Kloie’s Avatar
Kloie yesterday 895 views

How to start a dog walking business?

I’m a 13 year old girl wanting to start a pet walking business. How should I start?