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Carter’s Avatar
Carter May 18, 2016 2505 views

What jobs are available to Theoretical Astrophysicists and where are they most commonly located?

I am a high school senior, and will attend a four-year college starting in the fall with declared majors in Physics and Astronomy. My ultimate goal is to earn a PhD in Theoretical Astrophysics. Rather than performing research, per se, I like to think and to be around those who have the...

Vanessa’s Avatar
Vanessa May 14, 2016 1180 views

Do you need to be good at computing for a career in physics?

I'm going into physics, but I'm not great on computers. Should I start learning now? #physics #computers #occupation

Anina’s Avatar
Anina May 08, 2016 1506 views

Why do engineering majors always worry about graduating on time?

Hi! My name is Anina and I'm a high school senior interning at CareerVillage. What is it about engineering that makes it so much more difficult to graduate on time? Is it actually hard to graduate on time, or is that just rumors and exaggeration? This is important to me, because I might switch...

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler May 04, 2016 1185 views

Any advice on my grades in chemistry?

Ever since I was little I've wanted to become a doctor. I'm a junior in high school. I have 100% in anatomy and physiology. I love anatomy. I can name you all of the bones in the human body and every organ. I'm working on the muscles (haha I guess it's a hobby of mine) The problem is my...

Paul’s Avatar
Paul May 04, 2016 1358 views

How should a student app developer get his first work?

Hi! My name is Paul and I'm a 16 year-old who is currently learning Android app development. I was looking at job postings in that field for future reference and I noticed that most employers want the developer to have at least two years of experience. My question is: how can I get two years...

Anina’s Avatar
Anina Apr 29, 2016 1650 views

What am I learning in college that is actually relevant to becoming a software engineer?

Hi! My name is Anina and I'm a high school senior interning at CareerVillage. I'm not sure yet whether I'm interested in a career in software engineering. However, I've heard around the web that colleges don't teach you how to program, and you have to do that yourself. In that case, what do...

Augusta Irechukwu’s Avatar
Augusta Apr 27, 2016 7363 views

What companies/occupations make it their job to find flaws?

I am asking because this is something I might like to do. I do happen to watch a lot of movies and was wondering if movies are not all lies. To be specific, are there companies that get hired to try to disable a company's security system, find flaws in a website or app, or altering access cards...

Caitlyn’s Avatar
Caitlyn Nov 22, 2015 1515 views

What are my career options if I major in atronomy? What kind of options do I have regarding careers and availabity/growth/wages?

It is no secret that I have a passion for astronomy. From the research I have bee reading, there are no jobs available for astronomers and they make terrible money. I want to be able to take care of myself but also have my dream job. Not everybody gets to do what they love in the long run, but...

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Nov 02, 2015 1430 views

Can you use Java to program Lego Mind storm EV3

I am in robotics and I want to know if I can use Java for it #programming #lego

Garrett’s Avatar
Garrett Oct 26, 2015 1512 views

what are good colleges for engineering

I would like to know what are good colleges for engineering because I want a good education so I know a lot about engineering? any suggestion. #engineering

Blake’s Avatar
Blake Oct 23, 2015 1228 views

what degree do you have to be to be one of the highest engineers

I like making things and I have a very good imagination #engineering

Mackenzie’s Avatar
Mackenzie Oct 22, 2015 16933 views

What type of engineers make cars or buildings

I am in 6th grade and want to take the early steps to get the job I want in the future, Thanks for the feedback #engineering #mechanical-engineer #builder

Mackenzie’s Avatar
Mackenzie Oct 22, 2015 1775 views

I am not very good in math do i need math for engineering

I am in 6th grade and just having issues in math but REALLY want to be an engineer. #engineering #mathematics #creative

Chinwe’s Avatar
Chinwe Aug 03, 2015 4598 views

Will getting a PhD in engineering aid in getting a research and development job in the industry

I'm a senior in high school; I'm not sure what field of engineering I want to go into. I do know that I would like to be involved in a research job in some industry. I'm interested in biomedical, aeronautical, and chemical engineering. Anyone of any field of engineering that has a research job...

Christopher’s Avatar
Christopher Oct 07, 2014 2296 views

what is the culture and expectations in the work space of a software engineer?

what would be the scenery in the work space of a software engineer?
How do you communicate with your coworkers?
What do you do on a daily basis?
What is the culture like? #computer-science #engineering #computer #software