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Ashish Malhotra’s Avatar

Ashish Malhotra

Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
64 Answers
64284 Reads
117 Karma


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Janice’s Avatar
Janice Jun 25, 2022 1441 views

What if your career goal changes throughout the years?

#careergoal #struggle #longterm

Zachariah’s Avatar
Zachariah Oct 23, 2018 680 views

When looking at colleges to become teacher, what are things I should look for?

to be a math #teacher in middle school

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Oct 30, 2018 884 views

Teacher to Principal

I am currently a teacher and am looking to move into administration. I was hoping some others might have advice on this change and what I should expect? What is good and what is bad about the change in positions? Thank you! #education #teaching #teacher #career

jayaprasad yadav’s Avatar
jayaprasad yadav May 09, 2016 2745 views

How do I become a good teacher?

I want to became a teacher #teaching #teacher #education #teach #teachers

Isabel’s Avatar
Isabel May 23, 2016 1012 views

How do you know if you're making the right career choice?

I want to do Culinary Arts, but another part of me wants to be a teacher. #teacher #chef #ceo

Jawahar’s Avatar
Jawahar Jun 18, 2016 1080 views

How to became engineering 9std

Hi I am s.g.jawahar I am became to computer engineering which cngeollage to will be selected to engineering #engineering #teaching #teacher

Christi ’s Avatar
Christi May 15, 2017 1189 views

What kind of education should a teacher have?

I am wondering what majors a teacher should have and how long in collage it would take to get them? #teaching #teacher #education #career-details

Tyler ’s Avatar
Tyler May 24, 2016 7464 views

If I have an undecided major, what classes should I take my freshman year of college?

I am going to be a college freshman but am undecided about what my major is. I would love to play baseball professionally and will be playing baseball in college. #teaching #teacher #majors #students #undecided #baseball #coaches

Zachary’s Avatar
Zachary Mar 27, 2018 1223 views

How do I decide what to major in?

Learning fascinates me, and I want to do everything I possibly can, but I can't imagine nailing myself down to one major or career. #college-major #career-paths

Gabriella’s Avatar
Gabriella Mar 27, 2018 1031 views

Is it advisable to pay $50,000+ a year for college since the chances of making that annual salary directly after college is slim?

I have recently been accepted to one of my top choices for school, but unfortunately the annual tuition is over $50,000 a year. I would rather not have to take out loans and start my working career in debt. #tuition #education

Bharath.’s Avatar
Bharath. Jun 21, 2016 1132 views

i need to become auto mobile engineering what i need to do?

I am in 9th so i need to become a auto mobile engineer so what i can be did to make my job perfect #engineer #teacher #scientist #mechanical #experts

Nicole’s Avatar
Nicole Mar 25, 2018 795 views

How can I prepare for college and living away from my parents?

I am one of the only people in my family, the first child, to go to college. We do not know what to expect. How can I start preparing for this change that is about to occur? This will also be the first time I am going to be away from my parents; I will be living in a dorm. How can I get...

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Mar 26, 2018 1591 views

Is it wise to try and balance school/a career and a fairly intensive hobby at the same time?

I'm passionate about art! However, I don't want to try and make it into a career. I won't go into the reasons behind that right now, but I do want to keep creating on the side and continually improving, something that's really only possible if I dedicate a lot of time and effort to it, in...

Cade’s Avatar
Cade Mar 23, 2018 932 views

How do you know that you're studying the right major?

The closer I get to graduating I wonder if I am going to choose the right major to study. Some days I seem positive that I know what I want to do and others not so much.

Savannah’s Avatar
Savannah Mar 23, 2018 767 views

When do you know if you are majoring in the right field

I just want to make sure im doing the right thing for myself and others, so how do I know. #worried