Yamile Ponce de Leon
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How were you able to narrow down your choice of major?
As an upcoming high school sophomore, I know I still have time to make a decision but any advice would be greatly appreciated. There's just so many possibilities and opportunities to explore and I have so many things that I am interested in, I just don't know where to start. #high-school...

Is it better to still live with your parents when you are in College/ University?
I'm a sophomore in college, and I still stay with my parents. Most people find that weird, they expect that you should move out when you are about to go to college. To me it actually saves me money on paying rent and other expenses. But of course if your college is out of state or really far...

What are the best ways to get organized for college?
I have always struggled with being #organized with my classes and homework. Everything gets done on time but its kind of a hot mess of a system. I keep a #planner but its always overflowing with notes and reminders. I honestly think I need a better system seeing as I usually forget about the...

What are the secrets to surviving and doing well in college?
I am asking because I am going to college in September and I want to know how to succeed without failing first. #College #freshmen #Newbeginnings #Newplace

College Tips for Freshman?
Is there any tips that can be helpful for any high school student to know before going into college. Any tips on time management, study habits, est.

If I get a Bachelor's degree in accounting, do I have to attend Graduate school?
I want to major in Accounting and I was wondering if I had to attend graduate school even if my major is just accounting.#accounting #graduate-school