Michelle M.

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How can this website help me prepare for college and what it has to offer?
I am in 11th grade and wanting to learn more about the major im wanting to explore more which is computer science.?

How would it work to transfer my certification and everything?
I'm currently a 15 year old in high school in NYC. I want to go to a college out-of-state (Mass) but want to return to my home city and state when I finish and have my degree and certifications in teaching high school history/humanities.

How do I become a singer before 20?
I want to be a pop singer by the time I turn 20. What should I do to make sure I get a record deal by then? And when I get it how do I keep it? And how do I know which record company to choose?

Why kind of support services does each college offer?
Some say that one has more benefits than the other.

What would be a good fit for myself?
I am interested in being a barber. I work best in an environment with time flexibility, teamwork, and fast pace. Is this a good fit for me?

How do i become a successful career guider??
How do I become a successful career guider?

What colleges should I aim for if I want to be an art director?
I'm not so sure what major or what university would be best for me! Currently I have average grades but I think I have below average extra curriculars. I really want to go to UCLA for their design media arts BA, but UCLA is such a reach school, I want to open up my horizons. currently im a...

How to gain experience for socialwork?
I was wondering if getting a part time job as a youth development professional at the boys and girls will give me the experience necessary to become a social work? I heard being a social worker assistant is another, but I don't if there any in in belton, kileen, harker heights, temple, and...

What should I do to get colleges to notice me?
I've been wondering this recently, I've joined a few clubs as a way of community service, I have good grades, and I was thinking that I could submit some sort of music audition to get in, but I feel like there's more I can do.

Why is psychology a career that is being underestimated yet it should be given a priority?
Students at school should be given mental health providers because they as well have different disturbances in their minds and they might be afraid to talk about

How do I write very short stories to animate?
So I wanted to post small animation content on social media like Instagram and LinkedIn. But I find it hard to create a good content strategy. I don't know where to start with writing, what kind of story will be good, or how to keep it short. I would really appreciate any help with this. Thank you.

how do i obtain a certificate in programming?
how do i obtain a certificate in programming to add to my portfollio because am currently having a skill in computer hardware repair simply mean i am a technician

How do become a social worker ?
Hello I Jhaquan and James and I'm interested in pursuing a career in social work. I am a college student at texas a&m central texas. I earned associates degree in social work and a bachelors degree in psychology. In addition, I have done volunteer work at habitat for humanitys and the boys and...

How did you overcome your personal/outside life from getting in the way of your education?
I personally am the type to let everything get to me so like work and personal problems, they'll stop me from doing my work in school which I have to prioritize. I need to find a way to help me keep going even though there are MULTIPLE different things going on, I try not stressing myself and...