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Michael George’s Avatar

Michael George

Senior Supply Chain Manager - Global Logistics / Supply Chain Optimization / Digital Solutions
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
20 Answers
17588 Reads
21 Karma


Civic Duty
Chris’s Avatar
Chris Apr 16, 2018 654 views

What is a good college for mechanical engineering?

Asking because i'm interested in this career. #mechanical-engineering

Alona’s Avatar
Alona Aug 18, 2018 810 views

What do you do with leftover scholarship money?

Does it go towards your next year tuition? #scholarship #money-management

Dylen’s Avatar
Dylen Aug 27, 2018 1055 views

What types of companies hire mechatronics engineers?

Mechatronics Engineers in the USA

#mechatronics, #engineering

Will’s Avatar
Will Aug 27, 2018 558 views

mechanical or aeronuatical engineering?

they bioth are interesting which do i do? #shipbroking

Ashly’s Avatar
Ashly Aug 28, 2018 710 views

Buying college textbooks


My name is Ashly and I am a college freshman but I want some advice on buying textbooks. There really expensive but I don't know where I could find some at a lower price. Any suggestions? #textbooks

Naomi’s Avatar
Naomi Aug 28, 2018 647 views

How do I get my four years at my local college paid for?

I am still confused in how students get their whole 4 years paid for. I know you need to have good grades and everything but what is that one quality that a university might choose you for this opportunity? #tuition #scholarships

Tamania’s Avatar
Tamania Aug 28, 2018 606 views

What's your advice on double majoring completely different majors?

I'm thinking of doing computer science however I have other interests and was thinking of minoring in them.
#choosing a major

Liam’s Avatar
Liam Aug 28, 2018 791 views

How long did it take you to find a job out of college? Mechanical Engineer.

Attempting to feel out various professions and one of them is a mechanical engineer. Approx. how long did it take for you to be gainfully employed. Or atleast had an internship. #internship #entry-level #job-search

Paul’s Avatar
Paul Aug 28, 2018 639 views

How do I start my application process?


Benjamin’s Avatar
Benjamin Aug 29, 2018 723 views

What type of monetary need would suffice in college?

Is there any specific amount of money I would need to carry with me to college

charles’s Avatar
charles Sep 04, 2018 648 views

can i go in the army

How are you doing to day.

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Oct 25, 2016 1208 views

What kind of mechanical engineering jobs are there relating to energy?

I'm interesting in mechanical engineering and everything about energy. If there is specific jobs available for mechanical engineering, what are they? What does the job entail? #mechanical-engineering #renewable-energy #energy #solar-energy

Kysha’s Avatar
Kysha Mar 26, 2018 732 views

Should i take out student loans?

I need more money to pay for school because my parents will not pay for my schooling so i am doing it on my own and I need a way to pay so would loans be a good idea? #loans #college #financial-planning

Brooke’s Avatar
Brooke Jan 21, 2018 1102 views

How can I stop being so nervous and anxious about my future?

I'm so scared about my future, both educational-wise and financial-wise. Any advice on calming down? #anxiety #college #future

Shaheer’s Avatar
Shaheer Aug 24, 2018 2272 views

Is microsoft excel an important skill for an aerospace engineer

I am a freshman studying aerospace engineering and was just wondering what the relevance of this skill is in the real world and workplace.
#aerospace #engineer #engineering