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Mario Ramirez’s Avatar

Mario Ramirez

Leader, Customer Delivery
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Mexico City, Mexico
9 Answers
3178 Reads
2 Karma

Active Locations

Martin’s Avatar
Martin Dec 10 1462 views

What career path can i take?

What career path can i take?

Wayne’s Avatar
Wayne Dec 04 681 views

How would I become a good tech agent?

I am wondering how to become a tech agent because I want that to be my future job.

Joan’s Avatar
Joan Dec 04 349 views

how to maintain yourself?

iam Joan and im in grade 10

Smith’s Avatar
Smith Nov 26 540 views

how can i transition to tech?

how can i transition to tech?

Henry’s Avatar
Henry Nov 25 503 views

What is machine learning?

machine learning

Bryan’s Avatar
Bryan Nov 18 631 views

How can I start a business involving Music and Tech?

My passion is music. Through music I connect with people all over, but I also want to get involved in robotics and microchips. How can I mix the two ?

Duran’s Avatar
Duran Nov 12 504 views

How often does a position in Business Data Analytics require the knowledge and use of software?

If possible, describe some of the software or strategies that you personally use when preforming a Data analysis role.

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina Oct 29 569 views

What is it like trying to get into the IT industry?

What is it like trying to get into the IT industry?

Benz’s Avatar
Benz Oct 28 511 views

Preparing for the future: What Skills and Knowledge Will Keep Us Relevant and Competitive ?

With the rapid rise of AI and automation, what critical skills do you think are essential to stay relevant in the workforce, and how would you design a college course to prepare students for the future of work? Why would this course be essential for today’s students? #Fall24