Rohit Chopra

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What is it like to be a sports agent on a day-to-day basis?
What do you have to do everyday as a sports agent #sports #sports-agent

Any Advice to keep in mind when im trying to become a music therapist?
I'm currently in the job Corps program and I'm going to be training in a rehabilition field where I'm going to get certain training to become a music therapist. #physical-therapist

Do youtubers need and education and training?
What type of training for youtubers. What type of education for youtubers.

Will i be able to make it ?
Because I'm like a rapper and I really want to get popping you kno wa sayin #video-games

What skills do you need to become a youtuber?
I want to be a vlogger, D.I.Y.er, ranter, dancer, singer, choreographer, in a group youtuber team, a youtuber that does everything. #dance #singer #art #youtube

What programs could you join to become a youtuber?
I'd like to go to college and I know you don't need to go to college to become a youtuber but I just want to go for back up just in case it fails #youtube

what college courses should I take if I want to be a YouTuber?
I am 12 and when I grow up I want to be a YouTuber. I promised my mom I would go to collage but you don't need to go to collage to be a YouTuber. So what collage courses can I take? #gaming #youtube #blogging

would WWE's the Undertaker train you to be in the WWE and would he let you be his partner
I want to be a WWE smackdown diva when I grow up, look up to WWE's the Undertaker, and want to be his partner. #wwe

What Classes should I take to become a wrestler?
Hi my name is Payton i'm in sixth grade i love wrestling and my favorite superstar is John Cena i watch WWE wrestling and i want to become a wrestler just like them when i grow up #wrestling #wwe #muscles

What are tips for a successful interview in the entertainment industry?
#interview #interview-preparation #interviewing #interview-questions #interviews

What are some of the qualifications you need to be a fine arts/portrait photographer?
#photography #art