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Rohit Chopra’s Avatar

Rohit Chopra

Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
20 Answers
36772 Reads
70 Karma


Civic Duty

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big’s Avatar
big May 24, 2018 694 views

What is it like to be a sports agent on a day-to-day basis?

What do you have to do everyday as a sports agent #sports #sports-agent

Abigayle’s Avatar
Abigayle May 02, 2019 526 views

Any Advice to keep in mind when im trying to become a music therapist?

I'm currently in the job Corps program and I'm going to be training in a rehabilition field where I'm going to get certain training to become a music therapist. #physical-therapist

Diego’s Avatar
Diego May 09, 2019 667 views

What do I need to do in order to become a physician assistent .


Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah May 09, 2019 820 views

Do youtubers need and education and training?

What type of training for youtubers. What type of education for youtubers.

Eduardo’s Avatar
Eduardo May 09, 2019 561 views

Will i be able to make it ?

Because I'm like a rapper and I really want to get popping you kno wa sayin #video-games

Achraf’s Avatar
Achraf May 09, 2019 629 views

if you go into law does it mean, that it dont apply to you?

#law #berealcop #police

nevaeh’s Avatar
nevaeh Apr 29, 2019 2503 views

What skills do you need to become a youtuber?

I want to be a vlogger,, ranter, dancer, singer, choreographer, in a group youtuber team, a youtuber that does everything. #dance #singer #art #youtube

Jaedin’s Avatar
Jaedin May 09, 2019 865 views

What programs could you join to become a youtuber?

I'd like to go to college and I know you don't need to go to college to become a youtuber but I just want to go for back up just in case it fails #youtube

Tommy’s Avatar
Tommy Feb 22, 2017 26267 views

what college courses should I take if I want to be a YouTuber?

I am 12 and when I grow up I want to be a YouTuber. I promised my mom I would go to collage but you don't need to go to collage to be a YouTuber. So what collage courses can I take? #gaming #youtube #blogging

Aisha’s Avatar
Aisha May 01, 2019 1213 views

Is life a lie?

#life #life #life #life

Alicen’s Avatar
Alicen Mar 21, 2014 1404 views

would WWE's the Undertaker train you to be in the WWE and would he let you be his partner

I want to be a WWE smackdown diva when I grow up, look up to WWE's the Undertaker, and want to be his partner. #wwe

Payton’s Avatar
Payton Apr 07, 2015 4919 views

What Classes should I take to become a wrestler?

Hi my name is Payton i'm in sixth grade i love wrestling and my favorite superstar is John Cena i watch WWE wrestling and i want to become a wrestler just like them when i grow up #wrestling #wwe #muscles

Sara Lily’s Avatar
Sara Lily May 26, 2018 1574 views

What are tips for a successful interview in the entertainment industry?

#interview #interview-preparation #interviewing #interview-questions #interviews

Sergio’s Avatar
Sergio Apr 30, 2019 629 views

What are some of the qualifications you need to be a fine arts/portrait photographer?

#photography #art

Astral’s Avatar
Astral May 03, 2019 666 views

