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Alexandra Carpenter’s Avatar

Alexandra Carpenter

Data Analyst at
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Columbia, PA
15 Answers
536516 Reads
409 Karma


Civic Duty
Junior’s Avatar
Junior Sep 20, 2022 2517 views

What methods did you use/or use to memorize certain information?

This is for studying and for exams and questions.

Kosha’s Avatar
Kosha Jul 25, 2022 1696 views

Inquiry about Ba in Psycology and Ba in English ??

Heyy there !
I want to know what is the best course and which course will have great scope in future ..
which course have opportunities towards MA in mass communication ??

Help me here please !

Staccy’s Avatar
Staccy Aug 21, 2022 566 views

Mastery Question

I have just graduated and I want to continue my academic journey with a master's degree in social work. Am I eligible even if my baccalaureate is not in social work?

Erica’s Avatar
Erica Aug 01, 2022 6254 views

Is it advisable to take dual enrollment while I enter the senior year of high school?

My school doesn't offer many AP classes, and I'm trying to challenge myself academically. Is it advisable for me to take community college classes during my senior year, and how will it affect my college applications?

Ching’s Avatar
Ching Apr 02, 2022 559 views

What do you do when your brain is exhausted after an unpleasant coding session?

I am curious how programmers destress themselves and solve problems when they are stuck.

Jessie’s Avatar
Jessie Apr 03, 2022 4311 views

Courses in high school

A lot of colleges recommend that students take all three fundamentals of science (biology, chemistry, physics), however I'm looking into doing AP Biology instead of doing physics since biology is more related to my field of interest. Will that affect anything when I'm applying to college?

zayn’s Avatar
zayn Oct 19, 2021 1244 views

what is the average pay for a police officer

#police-officer i love what cops do for every community and i would like to be one

Kimberly’s Avatar
Kimberly Dec 13, 2021 723 views

Any interesting jobs involving psychology and the environment?

I am a recent graduate with my bachelors in Psychology. I am currently working at a school for a non-profit organization but I just feel like my heart isn't truly in it. I do like psychology I find it very fascinating but I have a huge passion for the environment. To be specific I am always...

Paajcha Julie’s Avatar
Paajcha Julie Dec 16, 2021 4385 views

What is being a remote worker like?

For those you of doing remote work, what is is like overall? 1. What kind of work do you do? (contractor, employee, etc.) 2. In regards to work hours, is it more flexible compared to working on site? 3. How are you compensated? (salary, commission, etc.) 4. What is the earning potential of...

Julia’s Avatar
Julia Oct 13, 2018 5416 views

Should I dorm with my best friend or with someone new?

My best friend and I have been best friends since elementary school. If we end up going to the same college together, should I dorm with her or try meeting someone new? I of course would still be close with her either way, so do I try to branch out or dorm with someone I already know?...

Iakov’s Avatar
Iakov Sep 14, 2021 1011 views

Why is it so important to get a degree?

Why is it so important to get a degree in CS when most people are self taught in the field? - From a high school student whos thinking about going to college for a computer science degree, though already very knowledgeable with most programming languages #computer-science #college #computer...

Samyukta’s Avatar
Samyukta Sep 01, 2021 779 views

Is there any career where Genetics and Cancer research morphs into a single job?

I am drawn to genetic studies and also, I find myself really interested in Cancer treatment and research. I want to contribute to the advancements in Cancer research. I wanted to know if there are any courses through which I can become a Cancer researcher. Which course is it? What should I do...

Yavor’s Avatar
Yavor Oct 14, 2020 844 views

What is it like being an antiques dealer?

#antiques I’m interested in learning about what A Day in the Life is like for an Antiques Dealer. So far I have learned that those people have to know a lot of history, ​but​ ​I​ ​would​ ​also​ ​like​ ​to​ ​know​ how do the people learn about the quality/shape of the items they're selling or...

Tatiana’s Avatar
Tatiana Oct 29, 2020 3886 views

If i have a bachelors in biology and a minor in psych, can I still apply to a Masters program for psychology?

Im an undergrad doing biology and a minor in psychology about to graduate next semester. #pre-med #pscyhology

Heather’s Avatar
Heather Oct 19, 2020 1648 views

Are psychologists scared of their patients

Do you ever get scared of some psycho patients? #Psychologists