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Dhruv Patel’s Avatar

Dhruv Patel

Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
6 Answers
4541 Reads
1 Karma

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nikhil’s Avatar
nikhil Jun 23, 2016 1182 views

how much marks should I get to become an expert in software development?

I am very much interested in software programming. Need a piece of your valuable information #engineer #computer #technology #programming #software-engineer

Grace’s Avatar
Grace Apr 30, 2018 718 views

How will technological advances change how medicine is practiced when I become a doctor?

I am seeing robotic technology that allows doctors to do surgery remotely and this seems like a completely different type of training than what I thought I would be doing to be a surgeon. It is exciting, but I hope that I don't get my education only to find technology has left me behind....

Jordan’s Avatar
Jordan Sep 06, 2019 690 views

What professional journals and organizations should I, as a future women engineer, be aware of?

I’m a senior student at Brennan HS. I’m looking into engineering careers because I excel at math and science but have a creative streak that needs an outlet. #engineering #engineer #math #science #engineeringorganizations #networking

MiKayla’s Avatar
MiKayla Sep 06, 2019 1276 views

What kind of networking should I do to be a computer network architect?

I am working on getting a career as a Computer Network Architect. I wanted to know who would be good to know so I can get a head start. #architect #computer #computernetworkarchitect #computernetwork #networking

Brandyn’s Avatar
Brandyn Sep 09, 2019 727 views

what additional skills i need?

My Name is Brandyn from Glen Rose HS, i'm a freshman i'm interested in a career in programing my skills include compter, people skills, and hard worker and my spare time i like to do you-tuber, football, band. what additional skills would i need?
#youtube # #sports #compter #coach

Forrest’s Avatar
Forrest Mar 14, 2014 1473 views

Will the significant advance in technology/space exploration, mean that the demand of aerospace engineers will grow?

I was wondering since all this technology is rapidly changing will affect the job outlook of aerospace engineers. According to the Bureau of Labor statistics, the job outlook was slower than average. Will this statistic change in the next couple of years? #engineering #technology #job...