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Suddhasattwa Das’s Avatar

Suddhasattwa Das

Career Coach, Friend, Guide
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
38 Answers
55969 Reads
392 Karma

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Jade’s Avatar
Jade May 15, 2020 867 views

What is a regular day in the life of a chef like?

#chef #cooking #culinary-arts #culinary #travel

Tricia’s Avatar
Tricia May 14, 2020 1251 views

What should high schoolers be doing right now in order to get accepting into nursing school?

Hello, I'm an upcoming junior in high school looking to better my chances at attaining a career in #nursing .

Harshpreet’s Avatar
Harshpreet May 14, 2020 1864 views

What are some techniques and methods i should follow to get into law school?

#law #law-school #law-practice #lawyer

On Ni’s Avatar
On Ni May 14, 2020 973 views

Where can I look for shadowing opportunities from a GP/ a specialist?

I am Annie, a year 3 student studying business administration and law at the University of Hong Kong, but it has always been my passion to enter a medical school and serve as a surgeon in the future. I am looking into applying for MD at Duke-NUS upon graduation of my current degree. And I would...

Geneva’s Avatar
Geneva Sep 06, 2019 1368 views

What's a day like when working as a Medical Sonographer

Do you love your job when it's busy or when it's slow? How do you feel when you know something is wrong? What kind of questions do they ask you in a interview? #technology #medicine

Rosie’s Avatar
Rosie May 13, 2020 776 views

What colleges offer decent crime scene analyst programs?

#dance #crimesceneanalyst

Courtney’s Avatar
Courtney May 13, 2020 2106 views

How do you stay focused?

I am struggling with my boring classes. I find myself getting distracted often by information I want to learn versus the information I have to learn. I am studying health sciences and the History of Japan in the 1800s is boring me to tears. #premed