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Ken Simmons’s Avatar

Ken Simmons

Assist with Recognizing and Developing Potential
Cleveland, Ohio
1696 Answers
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Sowmiya’s Avatar
Sowmiya May 07, 2016 689 views

what are the differents between human brain and animals brain

hi i am sowmiya .i am studing 10 std .i want to know this #doctor #science #teacher #professor

Hank’s Avatar
Hank May 07, 2016 735 views

What are some resources I should take advantage of while I'm in college?

In order to have a better chance and a head start in my career. #college

Shobha’s Avatar
Shobha May 05, 2016 621 views

After discontinuous 9th standard ,how to continue education?

I wrote 10th exam for this year.i have doubt regarding discontinuous student how to get studying. #career

Lucia’s Avatar
Lucia May 07, 2016 897 views

How hard is it to acquire an internship the summer after the first year of college?

I am attending a very competitive college and getting an internship the first summer after my first year at the institution will give me a leg up in the competition for jobs. #college #internship

Vivian’s Avatar
Vivian May 07, 2016 845 views

University or College?

I'm often pressured by my parents to attend a university and I don't really disagree with the idea, but a college nearby offers a nursing program that I think is more suitable for me than the one at the university. The courses at the university are more textbook based courses while the college...

Fatema’s Avatar
Fatema May 05, 2016 1420 views

What is the procedure for being a pediatrician in New York City?

I want to set my medical career and I'm trying to lay my future out. Right now, I'm a high school junior so I'm deciding on majors and colleges to apply to next fall. Thank you! #college #doctor #medicine #health #pre-med #pediatrician #counselor #college-minor

Purushotham’s Avatar
Purushotham May 06, 2016 1242 views

How can I become a good student?

i want to become good student. #college #teaching #teacher #student #colleges #studies

Kay’s Avatar
Kay May 05, 2016 1364 views

What are the best jobs to have while in high school?

I want my resume to be impressive, even when i'm young. What are the best jobs to have on your resume going into college? Which jobs will give me the most valuable experiences? #career #human-resources #career-development

Kaley’s Avatar
Kaley May 04, 2016 3267 views

I am a sophomore in college with a 2.9 gpa going into my junior year. Is it still possible for me to get into a nursing program after i graduate college even if i only bring my gpa up to a 3.3?

I was just looking at all of my past grades in college so far and didn't realize how terrible I'm doing. In high school, I was an average student. I think i ended with a 3.4 gpa and honestly I didn't really care too much about school. My freshman year I was a little lost and didn't know what i...

Purushotham’s Avatar
Purushotham May 04, 2016 1011 views

aeronautical career question How to become a good pilot?

What are the qualification of a good pilot? #college #teaching #student-counseling #3d-studio-max

Anne’s Avatar
Anne May 04, 2016 1202 views

What technology should I be learning in high school to prepare for college and the 'real world'?

I had an internship where I saw a lot of the employees using different kind of technology programs (Google docs was one of them). Are there specific tools or programs you recommend I learn that would apply to most jobs? I want to learn now so that I can use them in and after college! #college...

Anina’s Avatar
Anina May 04, 2016 989 views

What is it like working as a racial minority in technical fields? Is it harder in any way?

Hi! My name is Anina and I'm a high school senior interning at Career Village. It's become a bit of a running joke between my friends and I that whenever a huge, end-of-term paper comes up in high school, I will inevitably write something about the lack of women and minorities in STEM. But as...

Liz’s Avatar
Liz May 03, 2016 2293 views

What did you do in high school to make sure you were accepted into a good school?

ill be applying to colleges soon but I'm nervous because I'm not sure what they look for in new students. It's so competitive. What did you do in high school to impress colleges enough to accept you? What clubs or activities would definitely stand out in my application? #college...

Anina’s Avatar
Anina May 02, 2016 1355 views

Do you have to go to college to become a Music Producer? What do you major in if you can't play any instruments and therefore can't major in Music?

Hi! My name is Anina and I'm a high school senior interning at CareerVillage. I have a classmate who has this exact question in mind. They can't play an instrument, but they want to go into music management. I find the idea interesting. Is it possible to be a music manager and not know music...

Caitlin’s Avatar
Caitlin May 02, 2016 1057 views

Is it easier to find a job if you have more education?

Is getting a college education worth it? #college #career #education