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Ken Simmons’s Avatar

Ken Simmons

Assist with Recognizing and Developing Potential
Cleveland, Ohio
1696 Answers
2522313 Reads
11180 Karma


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Citizen Patrol

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Zoe’s Avatar
Zoe Apr 21, 2016 1898 views

What careers can an individual with a business degree choose from if they're primarily interested in entertainment and tourism?

Hello! I wanted to know if there were any people out there who might be able to give me some insight on how it is working in entertainment/ tourism as a business major. What is your title? How did you get there? What were some of your past titles? What could a business major do working at an...

Pravin’s Avatar
Pravin Apr 20, 2016 1267 views


Hi to all I am very interest to sports but i don't know that field job opportunities. #career #job

Brendan’s Avatar
Brendan Apr 19, 2016 1558 views

Do I have to go to a cc for 2 years to transfer?

Currently a junior in high school and I want to go to ASU but my GPA is terrible so i'm considering going to a community college. My main question is do I have to go for 2 years, can I just got for 1 year? the reason I ask is because my GPA right now is 2.157, terrible I know but I have...

Gokila’s Avatar
Gokila Apr 16, 2016 1972 views

Do become a police officer what should be my qualification?

What should I complete for choosing police officer. Do I need any extra curricular activities to be done. #career #police

jeeva’s Avatar
jeeva Apr 12, 2016 1295 views

How to describe the corporate culture?

I wish to know the corporate culture,because i want to work future in corporate office. #career #company-culture

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Apr 15, 2016 1081 views

What is the median salary of an electrician? Would it be a good idea to major in engineering to follow this path?

I'm a sophomore in high school in Boston and I am interested in becoming an electrician. #engineering #electrician #financial-planning

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Apr 13, 2016 696 views

what can I do in high school that can hep me with aerospace engineering?

I want to know because I'm not sure what this career involves and I don't know if it fits me. #college

Davina’s Avatar
Davina Apr 07, 2016 7523 views

What is an mechanical engineer and what subjects are needed for this career

I am thing about a second career goal and engineering is something i would like to do #engineering #mechanical-engineer

Stacy’s Avatar
Stacy Apr 01, 2016 1633 views

Is it easy to change your career path?

Once you're doing a certain job how easy or difficult is it to change that? I'm afraid of making a mistake. Is it common for people to change their career path? Do you have to start over every time you change jobs? If I'm not sure what career to pursue, what do you recommend I do for my major...

James’s Avatar
James Mar 05, 2014 2602 views

How does Going to College Serve a Person today?

Exactly why do we go to college? For the average Joe, Besides having to practically pay their ENTIRE yearly income to attend to college, how does that shiny certificate help you in the future? Exactly how does that separate you from THOUSANDS of OTHER applicants shooting for the same job. To...

Stacy’s Avatar
Stacy Apr 01, 2016 2074 views

Do the grades I get in college matter as much as they do in high school?

I try to get good grades in high school because it matters a lot to get into college. Is the same true for grades in college courses to get a job? Does it depend on the job I want to get? #college #human-resources #interviews #interviewing

Connor’s Avatar
Connor Mar 27, 2016 1886 views

I need help understanding the job of an engineer particurly an civil, aerospace, structual, aeronautical or mechanical engineer.

Hello I'm wondering if anyone out there can help me in decided where I should focus my energy towards in college because I don't want to go into something and hate it later on. #college #mechanical-engineering #civil-engineering #aerospace #aeronautics #structural-engineering

gabriella’s Avatar
gabriella Mar 21, 2016 966 views

what do you need to study to be a pediatric nurse?

i really would like to be a nurse and just want to know certain thins i need to do to become a pediatric nuse #college #high-school

andrew’s Avatar
andrew Mar 21, 2016 913 views

what do you do as a software engineer?

i am asking this question becaues i am intrested in this job. #science #math

Joana’s Avatar
Joana Mar 20, 2016 1517 views

What jobs are there for sociology majors?

I want to major in Sociology but I don't know what jobs are there for it? Does it work for social work? #college #major #work #social #sociology