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Ken Simmons’s Avatar

Ken Simmons

Assist with Recognizing and Developing Potential
Cleveland, Ohio
1696 Answers
2522343 Reads
11180 Karma


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Isabel’s Avatar
Isabel May 16, 2018 714 views

How can I ensure I find a job suitable to my major after college?

I plan to go to college and obtain a bachelors degree in business/administration. That particular branch is broad, so how can i narrow it down to find a career I can partake in? #business #college #college-major #junior-high

Benjamin’s Avatar
Benjamin May 15, 2018 728 views

Should I physically go to college for the experience or simply go for the degree with online courses?

Online college courses are more flexible. They allow me to work towards my degree from anywhere, and I can work them around my schedule. I can also save time and money by earning a degree through online courses. However, part of what I look forward to in college is the social life and...

oscar’s Avatar
oscar May 15, 2018 649 views

what career of business and finances has more successful ?

i want to study something that has to be with finances but i do not know which one to choose. #college #finance #career

Tinni’s Avatar
Tinni May 15, 2018 790 views

What are activities or internships I should pursue if I want to major in business?

I want to apply for extremely competitive undergraduate business programs and I want to stand out among applicants. What internships or extra curricular activities should I do? I am already holding an officer position in FBLA and have won an award for global business. #business #wharton...

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah May 14, 2018 853 views

What is life like after college?

What is it like leaving college having a job in the field you studied and living on your own? Is it hard to buy a house after you graduate? What’s the best way to save money and build credit in college while also paying normal expenses and for college? #help #scacred #confused #college #money

Gordon’s Avatar
Gordon May 12, 2018 1139 views

Do I have a realistic chance of making Notre Dame with the following credentials: 4.3 weighted GPA, 1450 SAT score, NHS member, founder of a volunteer program at my high school, varsity cross country runner and wrestler, no trouble in a year and a half?

I have wanted to go to Notre Dame since I was a young boy. I understand that I may not have given enough information, but I want to have a better rough understanding of my chances of getting into Notre Dame. I think that I have about a 1/3 chance of making it. #college #college-admissions...

Jenna’s Avatar
Jenna May 13, 2018 1025 views

Is making a resume important to get ready for college?

In my Personal, Career, and Development Skills class, I was required to make a resume even though I am not applying for a job. I was wondering, is it important to have a resume to apply for college in the future? #resume #college #preparing-for-college #resume-writing #career-development

christopher’s Avatar
christopher May 10, 2018 4108 views

what kind of programming language would you recommend for a computer engineer thats also a freshmen in high school?

were are doing a project at school about our carrier #technology #computer-science #software-engineering #computer-engineering #programming #software-development #computer-programming #python #java #C #javascript

nayeli’s Avatar
nayeli May 11, 2018 487 views

Should a student in college consider taking summer school classes?

I want to know if it’s a good idea to take summer school classes to finish off earlier than four years. #csusb #college

Tayler’s Avatar
Tayler May 10, 2018 675 views

Should I follow up with colleges who have rejected me?

I have received rejection letters from a couple of colleges and neither of them said why I was not accepted. I would like to know why I was not chosen, but would they even answer my email? #college #rejection #collegerejection

Kamry’s Avatar
Kamry May 09, 2018 796 views

What colleges offer anti-human trafficking courses or I guess degrees?

I'm a high school student currently and already know I want to put my life on the line in different developing countries and stop human trafficking. I want to go to college and be able to directly progress in this field but have no idea what colleges offer the best programs for prepping to be...

Savannah’s Avatar
Savannah May 08, 2018 525 views

What college should I attend for forensic anthropology?

I am thinking about attending University of Tennessee, but I do not know. #college #forensicanthropology

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler May 08, 2018 973 views

When feeling discouraged, how do you find a way to motivate and inspire yourself?

I am a high school junior and a college sophomore. I have spent many hours looking at how I can transfer my college credits to other colleges and find scholarships to help pay for college. After looking at many scholarships, emailing schools, trying to find references, I feel I might not...

Anh Minh’s Avatar
Anh Minh May 06, 2018 725 views

What is the job security of a Med Student?

My parents and family members have always been urging me to go along the route of becoming a doctor or anything relating to medical. On my part, I am not that against their suggestion. Recently, I've been aiming to switch from Mechanical Engineering to applying for medical school. A factor of...

Anh Minh’s Avatar
Anh Minh May 06, 2018 2959 views

How bad is Debt to an Anesthesiologist?

I'm planning to pursue a career in anesthesiology(completing medical school, residency, licensed) and wondering how hard will it be to pay off any student debt. I hear that student debt should be avoided and is heavily stressed to be a heavy load on future decisions. However, certain...