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daisy’s Avatar
daisy Nov 15, 2019 3274 views

What is your first step when given a large project? how do you organize it?

#management #computer-science

Evan’s Avatar
Evan Dec 10, 2019 790 views

Do clients in the arts allow for artistic liberties to be taken?

In art classes I’m currently in, teacher allow us to take artistic liberties, but claim that graphic design clients won’t let us do that. Is that necessarily true? #art #graphic-design #design #fine-art

Chase’s Avatar
Chase Nov 20, 2019 1382 views

What is one of the most difficult things you experienced in college or in your job?

#engineer #software-engineer #programmer #engineering #job

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Dec 08, 2015 1672 views

What are the responsibilities involved in a Youth Minister Position?

My name is Abby I am a Senior in high school and I have been looking into the field of ministry. The idea of this job interests me because of it being tied into my faith, and also because it seems to utilize the skills I have, as far as I can tell. I am curious to know what are the different...

Joy Clarisse’s Avatar
Joy Clarisse May 13, 2016 1376 views

How did you get to be successful in youth ministry?

I am going to college to get an M. Div in Pastoral Studies and I plan to be a youth minister. How do I make sure I can be successful in this? #leadership #youth #ministry #youth-ministry #youth-leadership #christian #ordained-ministry #youth-advocacy