Career questions tagged volunteerism

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QuentinJan 311626 views

What suicide hotlines can a 16(soon 17) year old join ?

What suicide hotlines can I join as a 16 year old? (Turning 17 in late-march) I am bilingual, I speak both french and english. This expands my reach of possible organisations out to canada (that being said, I'd personally want to avoid France because I'm rather disconnected from french/european culture as an American migrant). I know that there are some organisations out there that do provide opportunities for 16 year olds. After a ton of searching(like a month worth), I have only found 2 that I can actually join: I have applied to both but I'd still like to apply to more just in case. Every organisation out there either doesn't accept 16 year olds, or doesn't provide online tutoring/work. It has been so incredibly unsatisfying to find an organisation that had a low minimum age bar yet was located on the other side of the US. If it helps, I live in San Fransisco. So the only possibilities are: 1. Organisation that's very close to SF and does accept people of my age(I looked through all of them as far as I know) 2. Organisation that offers online training and work for people of my age either in US or Canada(More likely)

answer icon8 answers
Active Feb 05
location iconSan Francisco
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CareerVillage Office HoursJun 27, 20231306 views

What volunteer activities would you recommend for students interested in your career?

Note: This is part of our Professionals series where volunteers share questions they wish they saw on the platform

answer icon5 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconPalo Alto
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RuthSep 01, 20171567 views

Where can I volunteer in Portland Oregon?

The reason for me asking is because I think it will help with my career choice and get a more understanding on helping people. #make-a-change #volunteering #volunteerism #career #career-counseling #career-choice

answer icon5 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconReno
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MitchellSep 12, 20161406 views

What type of internships can you get and what is it that you exactly do when being a psychology major?

I have yet to think about getting an internship while in the process of achieving my B.A in Psychology. I know that an internship is something very good to have under your belt because it shows experience and is highly valuable for applying to jobs. I am skeptical as to what you do as you intern. I understand that anywhere you intern will be different but will you be doing real work as if you had landed your dream job or would you be more of someone who helps out and is a personal assistant. This question has always came to mind when thinking about an internship. #internships #volunteering #internship #volunteerism #volunteer-training

answer icon2 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconBayville
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ChelseaJul 06, 20161497 views

How do you write a good resume when you lack job experience?

I'm going into my first year of college, but I have only had a month-long internship as actual job experience, and I'd like to apply for more internships as soon as possible. I have done volunteer work and extracurricular activities, but I'm not sure how to format them within a resume to show my strengths. #internships #resume-writing #extracurriculars #volunteerism

answer icon4 answers
Active Feb 29, 2024
location iconUnited States
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Student Voices by CVOct 09, 20154193 views

What are some volunteer things that I can do to have fun this Halloween while improving my resume?

This question comes from a student who wants to make the most out of their Halloween by giving back to their community through some form of volunteerism. They're thinking about improving their resume and strengthening their college applications by adding more extracurricular activities to their experience. In the spirit of Halloween how can we help this young person come up with a creative way to give back to their community? #resume #volunteering #volunteer #event-planning #volunteerism

answer icon6 answers
Active Jun 07, 2024
location iconSanta Cruz