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Mireia’s Avatar
Mireia Jan 17, 2018 3597 views

What personally helped you decide what major/career to pursue?

I'm a high school senior who still is not sure of what major/career to pursue and would really appreciate guidance and personal experience about when and how you decided on your path. #career #career-counseling #career-development #job #careers #changing-careers #expert #advice #career-paths...

Victoria’s Avatar
Victoria Dec 17, 2018 1949 views

What are some tips when it comes to making a resume?

I am currently looking for internships in the accounting field. I have never made a resume and don't have any work experience so I am unsure of how to start and what to include in my first resume. I am also wondering what do employers look for in a resume. #resume #internship #job-application...

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Oct 02, 2018 1415 views

In your opinion, where would be the best place to work as an accountant?

#business #accounting

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Jun 06, 2018 1452 views

What picture is appropriate to set as your background on LinkedIn?

While updating my LinkedIn and looking at other people's profiles today, I want to know what background picture is appropriate and unique for my profile. I saw people putting a backdrop of their schools and cities. However, are those the only acceptable pictures? #career-counseling #linkedin...

Abbas’s Avatar
Abbas Sep 28, 2016 6073 views

What are some good questions to ask the interviewer to get a better understanding of the company you work for

to prepare yourself for the interview and look more prepared #computer-software #computer #management #university #accounting #marketing-and-advertising #job-application

Adalberto’s Avatar
Adalberto Apr 05, 2019 41227 views

What is the most rewarding aspect of your job?


Arely’s Avatar
Arely Oct 07, 2019 7701 views

Which major is better? Math, Finance or Accounting?

I love numbers . I don't know if I should pursue a major in Math, Finance or Accounting. #accounting #finance #business #math #major

Victoria’s Avatar
Victoria Mar 22, 2019 6209 views

How do I get an opportunity to intern in one of the Big Four accounting firms?

I am currently majoring in Accounting and I will be a Junior next semester (Fall 2019). I am really interested in interning in one of the Big Four (KPMG, YE, PWC, and Deloitte). There are locations near me and I have started applying to two of them, but what do these firms look for in a...