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Rebecca Tang’s Avatar

Rebecca Tang

Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Hong Kong
1626 Answers
1067476 Reads
2410 Karma


Civic Duty
Rosa’s Avatar
Rosa Sep 05, 2023 441 views

How can I start a business ?

I want to start a cleaning business.

brooke’s Avatar
brooke Sep 05, 2023 1139 views

How do i figure out what exactly i want to do in business ?

so many different business careers

Diya’s Avatar
Diya Sep 04, 2023 714 views

What do I do to start my career choices

How do I know what career is going to me the best fit for me. What should I be doing to figure out what I want to do. I am interested in business and law but I’m not sure if it’s the right fit for me

Sandra’s Avatar
Sandra Sep 05, 2023 688 views

How do I find the perfect job/college for myself when there is a lot of them out there in the world ?

I am an 9th grader in highschool school and this year I can finally get a job and I'm starting to look for colleges too and I need major help finding some that are perfect for myself

Ireland’s Avatar
Ireland Sep 03, 2023 320 views

What classesdo i need?

I am a senior in high school and I am lost on what classes I should take next year

Junior’s Avatar
Junior Sep 04, 2023 375 views

How to figure out what you want to study in college?

How to determine what you should major in.

Ella’s Avatar
Ella Sep 02, 2023 364 views

How do you know if you're chasing the right career?

How do you know for sure what career to chase

Nisabel’s Avatar
Nisabel Sep 03, 2023 372 views

How to figure what to do?

How do I figure out what I wanna do when I graduate. I have so many options it’s difficult to pick one.

Ja'Leena’s Avatar
Ja'Leena Sep 01, 2023 475 views

What are good tips to remember when starting college?

11th grader

kaleigh’s Avatar
kaleigh Sep 01, 2023 310 views

How did you pick a career?

I have many things I want to choose but don’t know the one I want to choose.

Elijah’s Avatar
Elijah Sep 01, 2023 502 views

How to figure out what career path is best for you ?

I’m confused about what to do in life

Archived’s Avatar
Archived Aug 31, 2023 344 views

Would you recommend going into college right after high school or taking a break first, and why? What did you do?

I'm in high-school right now and I think I want to go into collage right away, but want to see what others think. Is taking a 'gap year' better, or no?

Cyril’s Avatar
Cyril Aug 31, 2023 497 views

How do i choose the right career path?

I have thought about making a small business and selling stuff related to art and craft type things but im into makeup and art but..will support me financially is the issue so idk

Ro’s Avatar
Ro Aug 30, 2023 433 views

How to College Search?

How can I start college searching without a college in mind? I want to start during my sophomore year to have a head start before my junior and senior years.

Hailey’s Avatar
Hailey Aug 29, 2023 691 views

How do I find the job best for me?

I don’t know what I want to do but I know that I need to find something soon