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Maria’s Avatar
Maria Apr 21, 2018 1092 views

Is it harder for D.O.'s to get the same respect as M.D.'s?

I've recently become interested in #osteopathic #medicine. The philosophy of treating patients as a whole instead of just symptoms appeals to me. However, I've heard that it may be hard for D.O.'s to find residencies that are not biased. I hadn't even heard of D.O.'s until a year ago,...

Hayoung’s Avatar
Hayoung Mar 20, 2018 668 views

If any major can become pre-med and eventually attend medical school, what is something everyone should try to retain from their classes?

I am interested in eventually attending medical school. I know that any major can become pre-med or attend medical school, so I am wondering if there is anything in particular that everyone should try to experience or learn during their college years, regardless of their major in order to go to...

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jan 17, 2018 817 views

How does the residency process work following medical school?

I want to go to medical school, and I know this is followed by a residency, but I don’t know a lot about that process. How does the application process for residency work? Do residencies focus on specialties? #medicine #residency #medical-school #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care

Ngoc’s Avatar
Ngoc Apr 25, 2018 1254 views

How many years of schooling do you need to become an occupational therapist?

I do not mind spending a lot of time in college for a career of my choice but I do want to know how much schooling is necessary to become an occupational therapist? What sort of test would also be encountered through this endeavor? #medical-school #years #classes #occupational-therapy...

Paige Anderson’s Avatar
Paige May 22, 2018 832 views

What extracurricular activities are the most impressive and unique for applying to medical school?

Most students will become CNAs or volunteer at local hospitals, but what extracurricular activities will stand out on med school applications? #applications #med-school #medical-school #graduate-school #college

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha May 24, 2018 879 views

What requirements are needed to have the best chance at getting into Med school?

#medical-school #premed

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua May 31, 2018 603 views

How do you stay motivated as a doctor to continue with medical school?

I’m currently biology/pre-Med and I always wondering how do doctors stay motivated to stay in school so long. I know personally I have 15+ years of school including college but I was wondering how can I keep myself focused and motivated to continue. #medical-school #school #schooling

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Mar 23, 2018 1241 views

How did you prepare yourself, as a student and an individual, for the MCAT?

Being a high school junior, I have experienced scheduling studying for the ACT with regular high school life. However, how were you able to balance such an imposing and important test, the MCAT, with college life? How were you able to find time to do things for yourself and offset that with...

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Jun 15, 2018 640 views

What education is needed to become a doctor?

I'm a CareerVillage staff member and I'm posting this because we know that many young people are looking for the answer to this question. This is among the most popular questions searched by youth, and we're hoping you will take a moment to share your response to it. Thank you! #college...

Maribel’s Avatar
Maribel May 31, 2018 709 views

What can I do to maximize my chances of getting into medical school and, in the case that I am not accepted, what is the next step I can take?

I am a rising college sophomore looking to attend medical school post-graduation. I have read that medical schools are interested in many things including MCAT scores, GPA, extracurricular activities, letters of recommendation, ability to answer interview questions, etc. I am, therefore,...

Danika’s Avatar
Danika Jun 27, 2018 700 views

Is a surgeon a good career to have?

I am really interested in being a surgeon. But you have to go to school for a long time. Is it worth all the time at school. Does it have good pay? #surgeon #surgery #medical-school #neurosurgeon #career #lotsofschool

Adam’s Avatar
Adam Jul 01, 2018 801 views

Will becoming a doctor be worth the time and energy?

Is it worth all the money you'll have to spend, the amount of studying you'll have to do, and the fact that you'll have to hold of on things like having a family? #doctor #medicine #surgeon #medical-school #medical-school

Charity’s Avatar
Charity Jul 07, 2018 743 views

If I’m interested in going to medical school is the only major I can get a biology degree?

People have to me that if I didn’t go to medical school that with a biology degree, I could only teach biology. So can I get a different degree and still go to medical school? #medical-school #majors #biologydegree #medicine #med-school

Sophia’s Avatar
Sophia May 23, 2018 686 views

What kind of back up plans are available for pre-med students?

There are more applicants than matriculants and it will only get more difficult to enter medical school. What are some back up plans that a student majoring in science can have aside in order to prepare for the worst outcome: rejection? #college #medicine #doctor #medical-school #med-school...

Allison’s Avatar
Allison Apr 20, 2018 707 views

What activities should I do in college to boost my medical school application?

I'm going to be a freshman in college next year and I want to get a good start to make my medical school application in a few years qualified but also interesting #medschool #medical-school #med-school #doctor #hospital-and-healthcare #healthcare #college #extracirriculars

Heather’s Avatar
Heather Aug 09, 2018 608 views

how should one manage stress when prepping for medical school?

the MCAT, i am told, requires almost a full semester of study time before, how do you deal with that? #graduate-school #medical-school #time-management

David’s Avatar
David Aug 14, 2018 590 views

How do you get into medical school?

What steps should I take as an undergrad to prepare myself for med school? #medical-school #prepare

David’s Avatar
David Aug 14, 2018 544 views

Can you get scholarships to medical school?

How do you pay for medical school? Are there organizations that pay for your schooling under a certain agreement? #medical-school #scolarship

Kania’s Avatar
Kania Mar 21, 2018 1214 views

My biggest strength is patience, how can this be more effective in the medical field ?

#medical-research #medical-practice #career #medicine

Xiara’s Avatar
Xiara Apr 23, 2020 597 views

How has the Coronavirus impacted your career as a Neurologist?

With this whole widespread of the virus, how drastically did your routine change? #medicine #career #changes #medical

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 18, 2016 2936 views

What is more important? Your GPA or your experience?

When prospective employeers look at your resume, Which qualification has a greater chance in the employee getting a job ?
#college #career #jobs #resume #gpa

Amy’s Avatar
Amy Aug 19, 2016 1200 views

How much money and time does an aspiring pediatrician spend throughout his/her education?

I was wondering how expensive this path is and how many years it would take. #medicine #pediatrics #pediatrician #medical-school

Marwa’s Avatar
Marwa Oct 14, 2016 1010 views

What can I do to become a doctor?

I'm a college freshman currently majoring in Clinical Lab Science, which is a program under Biology. I know there are jobs out there for my major, but I plan to go to Medical School. I'm hoping to be a psychiatrist. #college #doctor #medical-school

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Oct 27, 2016 984 views

How many years does it take to become a fully accredited practicing doctor?

This includes all of medical school, residency, and possibly fellowships. #medicine #medical-school #medical-research

Nevian’s Avatar
Nevian Oct 29, 2016 1417 views

How many hours a day do you spend studying in med school

I am currently on a high school schedule that attempts to show you what a college schedule is like. I am trying to train myself to study the way i need to for college. #medical-school

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Oct 30, 2016 897 views

For those of you who went to medical school but didn't major in a Science, what did you major in?

I want to become a pediatrician in the future, however, I've heard that just because you plan on going to medical school doesn't mean you have to major in a science. I would like to keep my options open and seeing what else people have majored in would help me do that. #college-major #medical-school

Marwa’s Avatar
Marwa Nov 03, 2016 1006 views

What Math courses do I need to take to get into medical school?

I MIGHT or might not go to medical school. For my current major, the only math classes I have to take are Precalculus and Statistics. Do I need one or two Calculus courses, too, or anything else? #college #mathematics #medical-school

Bethany’s Avatar
Bethany May 17, 2016 968 views

What schools are best if you want to go into psychiatry, or does the school not really matter?

I want to become a psychiatrist and am starting to look at different med schools that I could go to. Are certain schools better if I want to go into psychiatry, or does the school not really matter as much? #college #doctor #medicine #psychology #college-major #medical-school #psychiatry

Evelyn’s Avatar
Evelyn May 24, 2016 777 views

For someone going into the medical field, is it better to take physics senior year in high school or wait until college?

I am a little hesitant on taking physics my senior year because I've heard how the teacher does not teach properly nor grade properly. But knowing I want to go into the medical field, I'm debating whether to take the class or not. #college #medicine #physics #medical-school #high-school-classes...

Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew May 25, 2016 743 views

Can I apply for medical school with an undergraduate degree in biology?

I'm enrolled at Jacksonville State University as a freshman for fall 2016. I'm majoring in biology, but plan to enroll in medical school after college with plans to be a pediatric oncologist. #doctor #medicine #professor #healthcare #medical-school

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler May 17, 2016 885 views

How do I prepare to get into a good medical school?

I've always wanted to become a doctor. Ever since I was little. In high school I procrastinated a lot, I didn't even pick a college until my senior year. I'm not going to my top pick college and have to settle for an ok college as a result of my procrastination. But I'm different. My head is in...

Savanna’s Avatar
Savanna Jul 07, 2017 1314 views

What is the best college to go to for radiology?

I've been looking at colleges for radiology but I want to choose the best one.

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 07, 2016 1048 views

What is a good base degree to obtain before entering medical school?

I am still #undecided as to what I should get my base degree in that would most benefit me for medical school. It would also be a big plus if it helped on the MCAT. #medical-school #medical-education #degrees #mcat

Bethany’s Avatar
Bethany Aug 31, 2017 810 views

What are the steps to getting into Medical School?

I want to go to Medical School, but I feel like it seems tough to go about getting into it. #medicine #medical-school #surgery

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Sep 01, 2017 1045 views

How does the path to becoming a plastic surgeon differ from that of a general surgeon?

Recently, I've been intrigued by a fascinating and controversial career: plastic/reconstructive surgeon. How does the path toward becoming a plastic surgeon differ from someone aspiring to be a general surgeon? And what does this journey entail? It has always haunted me on whether there is...

Jada’s Avatar
Jada Sep 01, 2017 697 views

How have you prepared yourself for life as a college student?

#college-bound #medical-school

Anika’s Avatar
Anika Sep 01, 2017 755 views

What is it like going to med school?

More specifically, I want to know how big classes are in general, and what other people pursuing the same career path are like. Is there tension? Competition? What are the professors like? What happens after you get your bachelor degree and get accepted into med school? Is it like regular...

Vineet’s Avatar
Vineet May 15, 2016 931 views

What majors do you recommend for medical school?

I want to know which majors prepare us the most. #college #doctor #medicine #medical-school #science #career

Kyerra’s Avatar
Kyerra Oct 19, 2016 1172 views

If I major in biology can I go to medical schools and become an anesthesiologist?

I am asking this because I want to become an anesthesiologist or something along those lines. #doctor #anesthesiology #medical-school #medicine

leasia’s Avatar
leasia Oct 19, 2016 976 views

How bad is medical school?

Im currently in HOSA #doctor #medicine #healthcare #medical-school

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth May 19, 2016 847 views

What is required of someone to get into medical school?

I want to know that way I'm prepared when I'm planning my college classes. Always be prepared. #graduate #medical-school #surgeon #medicine #hospital-and-health-care

Ella’s Avatar
Ella Oct 16, 2017 983 views

Do certain schools look better when applying to medical school?

Like what do people from some schools have a better chance of getting into med school as others?
#medschool #medicine #medical-school #doctor #nursing #college-selection

Anissa’s Avatar
Anissa Oct 10, 2017 1063 views

What is the salary of an Obstetrician?

I might want to go into the medical field and im wondering how much money they make? #doctor #obstetrics #medical-practice #medical-school

Devetra’s Avatar
Devetra Dec 04, 2017 900 views

What are reasonable Medical Colleges in the U.S.?

Possibly want to go to medical school, but can't really afford an Ivy league. #doctor #college-selection #medical-practice #medicine #medical-school

Jamaul’s Avatar
Jamaul Jan 16, 2018 924 views

How do you choose between going to medical school and dental school?

When I was growing up I’ve always wanted to be a cardiologist. However, recently I’ve started doing a lot of research and thought that I might want to go to dental school instead. How do I decide? I don’t want to make the wrong decision and end up having regrets in the future....

Chelsea’s Avatar
Chelsea Jan 17, 2018 694 views

what is the best major for future medical school students?

I am asking because I plan to attend medical school after getting my bachelors degree at a four-year university.

#medical-school #college #college-major #medicine

Chelsea’s Avatar
Chelsea Jan 17, 2018 732 views

I truly and honestly believe going to medical school will be worth the journey, but I am afraid it will give me a little bit more stress that I can bare, so does anyone have any advice on how to manage when I reach that point in life?

I am asking because I desire to eitber be a psychiatrist or physician in the future, but I have heard about people who have went as far as to end their life because of medical school, and I never want to reach that point in my life. Thank you for your response in advancr and may Jesus do great...

Alexa’s Avatar
Alexa Jan 22, 2018 677 views

What are the top medical schools on the east coast?

I am beginning to look for medical schools to attend in a few years, and I would love to have a jump start and having an idea on which are ranked highly.


Brenton’s Avatar
Brenton Jan 22, 2018 763 views

How do I prepare for the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)?

I'm currently a senior in high school and just wanted to know a bit more about how best to prepare for the MCAT in college. I am set on the medical path and hope to one day become a family physician. I just would like to get an idea of the test overall and some helpful study tips to best...

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Jan 23, 2018 521 views

As a Running Start student that will start my Freshman year with the equivalent of one-two years done, should I plan on jumping into grad/med school or take time off once I receive my bachelors?

The concern is that as a Running start student I will have the possibility of graduating with my bachelors before my 21st birthday. Will taking a year off after that help me be more accepted at the next level or does it not matter ? #runningstart #medical-school