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Estelle Archer’s Avatar

Estelle Archer

Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
United States
1321 Answers
1311512 Reads
738 Karma


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George’s Avatar
George Feb 15, 2018 4791 views

AP Bio junior or senior year?

I'm a sophomore going into junior year and I'm planning to take AP Bio since I might go into the medical field. One of my teachers said that if I take AP Bio junior year I'll start to forget it by the time I take pre-med classes in college. Also whichever year I don't take AP Bio I'll take AP...

Delaney’s Avatar
Delaney Apr 26, 2018 759 views

When planning on what to do in college, should I continue all my hobbies from high school?

I am in choir, orchestra, Model United Nations, student government, theatre, and more, but I am not sure whether I should continue all these things in college. What should I continue and what should I quit? #college-advice #highschool

Naomi’s Avatar
Naomi Apr 26, 2019 749 views

What classes are recommended to take during high school in order to be on track for the degree needed in college?

#college #highschool # #college-advice

Iqra’s Avatar
Iqra Apr 18, 2020 5312 views

Is there anything you regret not doing in high school/college?

Why didn't you do it and is it something you would recommend others do? #college-advice #college #highschool #highschool-advice #JULY20

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Jan 16, 2018 1105 views

How to transition from one field to another after completing an online degree? Is my online degree as valuable as a physical university's degree?#onlinedegree

I am studying online and not working in this field yet, and want to know how to transition to a job in my new field, and I am concerned that my online degree will not be as valuable as other universities.#online-education #education #higher-education #academic-advising

Paige’s Avatar
Paige Feb 22, 2017 1675 views

How many classes can you take in every semester of college in your freshmen year?

I would like to be prepared before I go to college. #college #semester-system #academic-advising #higher-education #picking-classes

Paige’s Avatar
Paige Jan 16, 2018 780 views

What classes would be helpful to take in a psychology major?

I want to go to college for psychology and I don't know what classes would be helpful to take with this major.
#college-courses #psychology #academic-advising #college-major #picking-classes

Spencer’s Avatar
Spencer Aug 19, 2018 6871 views

What are easy and interesting upper division classes at UT Austin

let me know please #course #classes #college #ut-austin #texas

Maeve’s Avatar
Maeve Apr 30, 2014 1601 views

Would you recommend taking classes over the summer for college?

I know many people that spend their college summers taking classes. Would you suggest this? I know that it can help you get ahead to graduate early or to stay on track. #college #classes #courses #summer #class #course

AvrilG_af13’s Avatar
AvrilG_af13 Mar 27, 2013 4937 views

What are the core math subjects needed to be a cardiologist?

For many years I have known this is the career path that I wanted to follow through with. I am currently taking AP Calculus and I am having lots of difficulties. I know I need math knowledge ,but how much Calculus is actually applied/ needed to get to my end goal. #doctor #surgery #cardiologist

Kate’s Avatar
Kate Oct 01, 2018 743 views

What is the best undergrad degree when pursuing a Medical degree?

#medicine #medical-school #premed #healthcare

Iqra’s Avatar
Iqra Apr 15, 2020 885 views

What are the pros and cons of a 6 year medical program?

I'm looking for a firsthand perspective from someone who was in one of these programs. I graduate in two years and was wondering if I should apply to a 6-year med program. #healthcare #medical #medicine #premed #college #major #doctor #medical-school

Johnathon’s Avatar
Johnathon Apr 17, 2020 540 views

Is being a doctor for me? Is there a 'right' or 'wrong' personality or set of objectives that would make medicine for me?

#medicine #doctor #healthcare #medical #hospital-and-health-care

danna’s Avatar
danna Sep 23, 2019 468 views

what is needed to open your own practice as a cosmetic plastic surgeon?

high school student looking into becoming a plastic surgeon #premed #doctor #medicine #surgeon #surgery

daynika’s Avatar
daynika Jun 12, 2019 506 views

what do doctors do now days with there patients

#doctor #medicine